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  • Easy to use
  • Wide range of potential matches
  • Free messaging service
  • Detailed profiles with photos and interests
  • Fast registration process
  • Unverified profiles
  • Unclear safety measures
  • Lack of customer service support
  • Limited search filters
  • Low user activity


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  • Quality Matches:
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    Hardly ever
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Is Topface the Ideal Place for Singles Seeking Love?


Topface is an online dating platform that has been around since 2011. It was created by a Russian entrepreneur, Andrey Andreev, and it now operates in more than 190 countries worldwide. The app offers users the opportunity to find potential dates or just make new friends from all over the world.

The main target audience of Topface are young adults between 18-35 years old who want to meet people with similar interests and values for either friendship or romantic relationships. In addition, Topface also provides its members with various features such as private messaging, video chat rooms and other interactive tools which makes communication easier for them on this social network platform .

At present there are over 100 million active users registered on Topface each month making it one of the most popular platforms out there today when it comes to meeting someone special online through their mobile devices or computers at home/workplace etc.. Moreover , according to statistics ,it is currently ranked number 1 in 5 different countries (Russia , Ukraine , Kazakhstan Turkey & Belarus ) based upon user activity rates .

Furthermore using this service does not require any payment whatsoever so anyone can join without having worry about spending money first before being able use certain services like sending messages etc .. Additionally they have recently released a dedicated application version compatible both Android & iOS systems which allows access even faster compared desktop version due ease navigation interface design along many other useful functions available inside app itself ..

To register as member simply visit official website then fill required information including username password email address age gender location preferences among few others details needed order complete process within minutes afterwards you will be ready start exploring what site offer terms finding suitable match your own criteria …

How Does Topface Work?

Topface is a social media app that allows users to find, connect and communicate with people around the world. It offers features such as profile searching, messaging and even video chat for those looking to make friends or date online. With over 50 million registered users from more than 190 countries worldwide, Topface has become one of the most popular dating apps in recent years.

The search feature on Topface makes it easy for you to discover potential matches based on your interests and preferences by simply entering keywords into its advanced search engine. You can also browse through profiles of other members who have similar interests or are located near you using their location-based services like Nearby Search & Friends Finder tools which will show all nearby members within a certain radius from where you are currently located at any given time. Additionally, there is an “Interests” tab which helps narrow down searches further by allowing users to select specific categories they would like others in their area interested in such as music genres or hobbies etc..

In terms of user base demographics; approximately 70% come from Russia followed closely behind with 15% coming from Ukraine then 10%, Belarus 5%, Kazakhstan 4%. The remaining 6% comes mostly form Europe but some regions outside these areas do exist including India (2%), USA (1%)and Canada (.5%). All together this provides plenty of opportunity for individuals seeking connections no matter what part of the globe they may be living in now!

For those wanting something serious out if it; there’s also an option called "Dating" – here singles can look up compatible partners accordingto age range gender orientation religion ethnicity language spoken etc… Once found mutual interest between two parties occurs communication begins either via text message instant messenger voice call video conference whatever best suits both persons needs/preferences! Finally after exchanging enough information about each other relationship status changes ‘dating’ becoming official couple status thus completing process starting point was finding someone special end result being happily ever after? We shall see…

Overall whether looking just casual friendship long term commitment everyone sure find something suit them when signing onto TopFace App so why not give try today? Who knows maybe tomorrow could start whole new life adventure – only way know really download install check out yourself right away let journey begin!!

  • 1.Instant Messaging: Send and receive messages instantly with other Topface users.
  • 2. Matching System: Find potential matches based on your interests, location, age and more.
  • 3. Virtual Gifts: Show someone you care by sending them a virtual gift from the Topface store!
  • 4. Video Chatting & Calls: Connect face-to-face with other members through video chat or voice calls for an even better experience of getting to know each other online!
  • 5. Photo Sharing & Rating System : Share photos of yourself in order to get feedback from others as well as rate their pictures too!
  • 6 . Events Calendar : Get notified about upcoming events near you that are related to dating so that you can meet new people in person if desired !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the Topface app, users must first download and install it from either the App Store or Google Play. Once installed, they can open up the app and enter their name, gender, date of birth (minimum age requirement is 18 years old), email address and a password to create an account. After submitting these details they will be sent a verification code via SMS which needs to be entered into the field provided in order for them to complete registration. Upon successful completion of this process users are free to begin dating by browsing through profiles that match their interests as well as sending messages or gifts if desired – all at no cost!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a username and password that meets Topface’s security requirements.
  • 3. User must be at least 13 years of age to register for an account with Topface (or the minimum legal age in their country).
  • 4. Users may not use any offensive language or images when creating usernames, passwords, profile pictures or other content on the site/applications associated with their accounts; such material will be removed by moderators if found in violation of this rule and could result in suspension or termination of user’s account(s).
  • 5 .User is responsible for maintaining confidentiality over his/her login credentials as well as all activities occurring under it – sharing these details can lead to misuse which would then fall solely upon them and not on TopFace itself..
  • 6 .Users are required to agree with Terms & Conditions before registering an account with TopFace including but not limited to its Privacy Policy , Community Guidelines etc.. 7 .User should provide accurate information about themselves while signing up so that they get relevant notifications from time-to-time based on interests mentioned during registration process .. 8 .Any attempts made by users towards fraudulence shall immediately disqualify them from using services provided through website / application leading into permanent banishment without prior notice

Design and Usability of Topface

The Topface app has a modern design with bright colors that make it visually appealing. The profile page is well-organized and the navigation bar at the bottom makes it easy to find different sections of the app. It’s also simple to search for other people’s profiles, as you can filter by age, gender or location.

The usability of this app is great; all features are easily accessible from within one screen and navigating between pages takes no time at all. There are helpful tips throughout which guide users on how to use each feature correctly too! When you purchase a paid subscription there aren’t any major UI improvements but there are some additional features available such as unlimited messaging capabilities and access to more detailed user information like interests or hobbies

User Profile Quality

Topface is a social media platform that allows users to create profiles. The quality of user profiles on Topface can vary, depending on the amount of information provided by each individual user. Profiles are public and anyone with an account can view them; however, users have the option to customize their profile bios if they choose. There is also a “friends” feature which enables users to connect with other people who share similar interests or backgrounds as themselves.

Privacy settings available for Topface accounts include blocking certain individuals from viewing your profile and preventing non-users from accessing it altogether through its private mode setting feature. Additionally, there is both Google and Facebook sign-in options available so that existing accounts may be linked up easily without having to manually enter in personal data every time you log into your account again later down the line.. Fake accounts are monitored closely by moderators but some still slip through occasionally due diligence should always be exercised when interacting online regardless of what site you’re using!

Location info within one’s own profile cannot typically be hidden although it will only reveal city level detail rather than exact coordinates – this helps keep all members safe while still allowing others nearby know where potential connections could come from if desired . For those looking for even more control over how much location info gets shared ,there are premium subscription plans which offer additional features such as hiding specific cities/countries entirely plus indicating distance between two different parties instead just general locations .


Topface is a popular social network and dating app that has been around since 2011. It allows users to find new friends, dates, or even soulmates in their area. The Topface website offers many features for its members including the ability to search for potential matches based on location and interests; browse profiles of other members; send messages, gifts, winks and likes; create groups with like-minded people from all over the world; play games together online as well as participate in virtual events such as speed dating sessions. In addition to these features there are also some safety measures taken by Topface which include an age verification system when creating an account so only those who meet certain criteria can join the site/app.

The main difference between using Topface’s website versus its mobile application is convenience – it’s much easier to access your profile information through a smartphone than having to log into your computer every time you want something updated or changed about your profile page. Additionally, most of the activities available on both platforms are similar but there may be more options available within one platform compared with another (for example: playing games might not be possible through just accessing via web). Furthermore while both offer great security protocols they differ slightly where web version uses cookies whereas mobile apps use tokens instead making them harder targets for hackers attempting malicious activity against user accounts .

Safety & Security

Topface is a dating app that has implemented various security measures to ensure its users are safe and secure. The app requires all users to go through an extensive verification process before they can access the platform, which includes verifying their identity with either government-issued ID or by linking it with another social media account such as Facebook. Additionally, Topface uses advanced algorithms and AI technology to detect bots and fake accounts in order to protect genuine user profiles from being compromised. Photos uploaded on the site are also manually reviewed for authenticity purposes; this helps prevent any malicious activity from occurring within the community of members using Topface’s services. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available for added protection against potential cyber threats like phishing attacks or data breaches – providing yet another layer of security when accessing your profile information online via mobile devices or computers connected to public networks outside one’s home network/WiFi connection.

When it comes down privacy policy at TopFace, they take every measure possible in ensuring user safety while maintaining full transparency about how collected personal data will be used – including but not limited too: sharing anonymous usage statistics & analytics with third parties; storing sensitive financial details securely; respecting Do Not Track requests sent by web browsers where applicable; adhering strictly no selling of personal info without prior consent etc.. In short – you have complete control over who sees what kind of information related yourself when interacting on our platform!

Pricing and Benefits

Topface is a popular dating app that allows users to connect with potential partners. The app itself is free, but there are also paid subscription options available for those who want additional features and access.

The basic version of Topface includes many useful features such as the ability to search profiles, send messages, view photos and videos, add friends or favorites list etc. However if you opt for the premium membership you will get even more benefits like unlimited messaging capabilities and access to exclusive content from other members on the platform.

Premium subscriptions come in three tiers: Gold ($19/month), Platinum ($29/month) & Diamond (49$/ month). All plans include a 7-day trial period so users can test out all of the extra features before committing long term . Prices seem competitive when compared with similar services offered by competitors in this space which makes it an attractive option for people looking for value without sacrificing quality .

If at any point during your subscription period you decide that Topface isn’t right fit , cancelling your account should be easy enough – just go into settings > billing info > cancel my account button – no questions asked ! You won’t receive refunds after cancellation however some exceptions may apply depending on individual circumstances so its always best practice to reach out directly via customer service channels first if possible .

In conclusion , while having a paid subscription offers certain advantages over using only free versions of apps like top face it’s not necessary unless user wants full functionality or they’re willing pay little bit extra money each month enjoy better experience overall

Help & Support

Topface provides a variety of ways to access support. The first option is the help page on their website, which contains information about frequently asked questions and troubleshooting tips. This page also includes links to contact customer service via email or phone if needed. Additionally, Topface has an active social media presence where customers can ask questions and receive answers from representatives in real time.

For those who need more immediate assistance, there are several options available for contacting customer service directly by phone or chat message 24/7. Representatives typically respond within minutes during business hours but may take longer depending on the complexity of the issue being addressed. Customers can also submit requests through their online form with estimated response times listed so they know when to expect a reply back from one of our team members .

Finally, users have access to live technical support via remote desktop connection software that allows them connect directly with an expert technician for step-by-step guidance resolving any issues quickly and efficiently without ever having leave home! The average response time for this type of request is usually less than 15 minutes making it ideal solution when needing urgent assistance fast!


1. Is Topface safe?

Topface is generally considered to be a safe website, as long as users take the necessary precautions. The site offers many security features such as two-factor authentication and encryption of personal data. It also has an extensive privacy policy that outlines how user information will be used and stored securely. Additionally, Topface employs various measures to protect its members from online scams or malicious activities by other users on the platform. For example, it requires all new accounts to go through a verification process before they can start using the service in order to ensure that only real people are allowed access into their network of millions of singles worldwide.

2. Is Topface a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Topface is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2011 and has grown to become one of the most popular online dating sites around today. The website offers its members an easy-to-use platform for connecting with other singles who share similar interests and values as them. With over 100 million registered users from all over the world, it’s no wonder why so many people have chosen Topface as their go-to destination for finding love or companionship online. The site also provides various features such as chat rooms, video calls, private messaging systems and more that make it easier than ever before to find someone special regardless of where you are located geographically or what your preferences may be when looking for potential partners on this type of service provider’s platform

3. How to use Topface app?

Topface is an online dating app that helps users find new friends, dates and relationships. It has a simple interface which makes it easy to use for anyone who wants to try out the service. To get started with Topface, first you need to create an account by providing your email address or phone number and setting up a password. Once your account is set up, you can start browsing profiles of other users in order to find someone compatible with yourself based on interests and preferences such as age range, location etc. You can also add photos of yourself so others have something visual when they look at your profile page.

Once you’ve found someone interesting enough that sparks conversation between both parties then communication via chat becomes available through the app itself where further details about each person may be exchanged if desired before meeting face-to-face outside of the platform should both people feel comfortable doing so after getting acquainted virtually firstly on TopFace .

4. Is Topface free?

Yes, Topface is free to use. The website offers a variety of features and services that are available for all users without any cost or subscription fees. You can create an account on the platform, browse through profiles of other members, send messages and likes to people you find interesting as well as view who liked your profile in return – all these functions are completely free! Additionally, if you want more visibility among other members then there’s also an option to upgrade your membership which will give you access to even more features such as advanced search filters or VIP status badge.

5. Is Topface working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Topface is working and you can find someone there. The website has a simple yet effective user interface that makes it easy to search for potential matches. You can use the basic filters such as age range, location, gender etc., or even more advanced criteria like interests and lifestyle choices in order to narrow down your search results. With its extensive database of users from all over the world, chances are high that you will be able to find someone who meets your expectations on Topface.


To conclude, Topface is a great dating app for those looking to find potential partners. It has an easy-to-use design and intuitive usability that make it simple to navigate the platform. The safety and security features are top notch, allowing users to feel safe while using the app. Help and support services provide quick assistance if needed as well as informative FAQs on their website. User profile quality is also good with detailed information about each user’s interests, likes/dislikes etc., which makes finding compatible matches easier than ever before! All in all, Topface provides a great experience when it comes to online dating – so why not give it a try?

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Author Timothy Johnson

Timothy Johnson is a writer and relationship expert who specializes in reviews of love, sex, and online dating. He has been writing about these topics for over five years and knows the ins and outs of the dating game. Timothy has a degree in psychology and has studied the science of relationships extensively. He is an advocate for healthy relationships and believes that everyone deserves to find their perfect match. He loves to share his insights and experiences with his readers, helping them to find the best online dating sites and the most fulfilling relationships.