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SexSearch Review: Does It Work In 2023?


SexSearch is an online dating app that connects people who are looking for casual relationships, hookups, and sexual encounters. It was founded in 2005 by Andrew Conru as a response to the growing demand of adults seeking companionship outside of traditional relationships. The platform has since grown into one of the most popular apps among singles and couples alike with over 1 million active users worldwide.

Who can you find on this app? SexSearch caters to all types of relationship seekers including those interested in long-term commitments or just something more short-term like friends with benefits or no strings attached arrangements. You will also find plenty of swingers, threesomes and other open minded individuals ready to explore their sexuality without any judgement from others on the site.

How many active users are on SexSearch and how it was launched? Since its launch in 2005, Sex Search has become increasingly popular around the world due mainly because it offers features such as anonymous browsing so members can keep their identities private if they choose too; live chat rooms where members can connect instantly; photo albums which allow them to share pictures privately amongst each other; video profiles which enable them get a better idea about potential partners before committing themselves etc., As mentioned earlier there are currently over 1 million registered users across 5 countries namely USA , Canada , UK , Australia & New Zealand .

Who owns it ? The company behind this application is FriendFinder Networks Incorporated (FFN) based out San Jose California . FFN operates several adult websites including AdultFriendFinder & Camsoda besides running various niche sites related social networking services aimed at different age groups & interests .

Is the App free To Use ? Yes – anyone above 18 years old may join up for free but some premium features require payment depending upon your subscription plan .

Does sexsearch have an App ? Yes – There’s both Android & iOS versions available through respective stores plus mobile website optimized version accessible via web browsers directly from your phone/tablet device itself ! Signing Up process involves filling basic information regarding yourself followed by uploading profile picture after verifying email address provided during registration step …

How Does SexSearch Work?

The SexSearch app is a revolutionary new way to meet and interact with potential partners. It allows users from all over the world to connect, chat, and find compatible matches for casual or long-term relationships. With its intuitive design and easy-to-use features, it’s no wonder why so many people are signing up every day!

Users can easily search through profiles on the app by location, age range or gender preference. The advanced filters make finding exactly what you’re looking for easier than ever before – whether that be someone in your local area or across continents! There are also different types of users; some just want a one night stand while others may be seeking something more serious like marriage material. No matter what type of relationship you’re after there will always be someone who fits your criteria on SexSearch!

What’s even better is that this platform has millions of active members worldwide – including hundreds of thousands from five major countries: United States (US), Canada (CA), Australia (AU), United Kingdom (UK) & India(IN). This means whatever part of the globe you come from chances are high that there’ll already be plenty other singles nearby ready to mingle too!. Plus if English isn’t your first language don’t worry as multiple languages such as Spanish & French have been added recently making communication much smoother between international couples..

SexSearch makes sure safety comes first when it comes down meeting strangers online by offering secure messaging options which ensure only verified members can send messages back forth without having their identity revealed until they feel comfortable enough do so themselves . Furthermore each user profile must go through an extensive verification process prior verifying personal information such as name , email address etcetera giving everyone peace mind knowing whom they talking with really them ..

In conclusion we could say Sexsearch App offers unique experience anyone interested dating scene regardless nationality , ethnicity sexual orientation thanks its variety features helping narrow searches quickly efficiently . So take plunge today start connecting real life soulmates !

  • 1.Advanced Search: Allows users to search for potential matches using specific criteria such as age, location, body type and more.
  • 2. Discreet Photos: Users can upload photos that are only visible to other SexSearch members who have been approved by the user.
  • 3. Live Video Chatting: Members can connect with each other through live video chat sessions in real time from anywhere around the world!
  • 4. Private Messaging System: Send private messages securely between two or more people without having them exposed publicly on a public forum like most dating sites do nowadays!
  • 5. Hotlist Feature: Keep track of your favorite profiles so you don’t miss out when they come online or post new pictures/updates about themselves!
  • 6 .Matchmaker Tool : Find compatible partners based on personal preferences and interests quickly & easily with this powerful tool offered exclusively at SexSearch

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the SexSearch app, users must first provide their gender and sexual orientation. They then need to enter a valid email address and create a username with at least 6 characters. After that, they are asked to set up an account password which should be 8-20 characters long containing both letters and numbers for added security. Once all of these details have been submitted, users will receive an activation link in their inbox which needs to be clicked before they can start using the app. The minimum age requirement for registering is 18 years old or above as this platform is strictly meant for adults only; however registration itself is free of cost so anyone who meets the eligibility criteria can join without having to pay any fees upfront.

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older
  • 2. Provide a valid email address
  • 3. Create an account username and password
  • 4. Agree to the Terms & Conditions of use
  • 5. Verify identity by providing proof of age (e.g., driver’s license, passport)
  • 6. Complete all required fields in registration form including name, gender, location etc 7 . Acceptance and agreement with SexSearch’s Privacy Policy 8 . Confirmation that user is not prohibited from using the service due to any legal restrictions

Design and Usability of SexSearch

The SexSearch app has a modern design with bold colors and clear navigation. The interface is intuitive, making it easy to find profiles of other people. With the free version you can browse for potential matches in your area, as well as use filters such as age or interests to narrow down results. When you purchase a paid subscription there are additional features like unlimited messaging and access to more detailed search options that make finding compatible partners even easier. Overall the usability of this app is good; users will have no problem navigating through its various functions quickly and easily

User Profile Quality

The user profiles on SexSearch are public, meaning anyone can view them. Users have the ability to set a custom bio and add photos to their profile. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with each other in order for better communication between members of the site. Privacy settings are available so that users can control who views their profile and what information they want displayed publicly or privately within it. The website does not offer any Google or Facebook sign-in features, but there may be some fake accounts present due to its free membership status for all visitors of the site regardless if they decide to join as an official member later on down the line or not. Location info included in user profiles reveals city name only; however, this location data cannot be hidden from others viewing your page unless you upgrade your account with a premium subscription plan – one benefit being access over hiding personal information such as location details from other members of SexSearch when desired by yourself


SexSearch is a dating website that has been around since the early 2000s. It provides users with an opportunity to find potential matches in their area and connect with them through its online platform. The site offers several features, such as detailed profiles, search filters, messaging capabilities and more. Users can also access SexSearch’s mobile app for iOS or Android devices which allows them to stay connected on-the-go wherever they are located. One of the main advantages of using SexSearch is its user friendly interface which makes it easy for anyone to use regardless of technical experience level; another advantage is that all communication between members takes place within a secure environment so personal information remains private at all times. On the downside however, some users have complained about not being able to easily filter out fake accounts from real ones due lack of moderation by staff members; this could be improved upon in order for people who join up feel safe when engaging with other users on the site/app

The difference between Sexsearch’s website and app lies mainly in how each one functions: while both provide similar services (such as profile creation & searching), there are certain aspects exclusive only either one or another – like having different design layouts depending if you’re accessing via web browser or phone device respectively; additionally most apps tend offer faster loading speeds than websites do overall due less amount data needed download onto your device before running properly whereas websites usually require larger amounts memory storage run smoothly without any hiccups during navigation process .

Safety & Security

SexSearch is committed to providing a secure platform for its users. To ensure that only genuine people are allowed on the site, they have implemented several security measures such as email verification and manual photo review. All new accounts must be verified via an email address before being able to access the full features of SexSearch. The photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by moderators in order to detect any fake or malicious content, thus ensuring user safety and preventing bots from infiltrating the website. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available for added protection against unauthorized logins into user accounts which further enhances their security system’s effectiveness in keeping out unwanted visitors while protecting sensitive information stored within each account profile page.

The privacy policy at SexSearch ensures that all personal data collected from its users will remain confidential and not shared with third parties without explicit consent from those individuals firstly given permission beforehand through written agreement forms filled out prior to collecting said information about them during registration processes when signing up onto this dating service provider’s networked services online worldwide today currently existing now presently here today around us still alive yet even right now always everywhere forever until eternity itself ends someday somehow eventually finally later down soon enough afterwards maybe possibly perhaps so far away afterall no matter what happens next anyway despite whatever occurs too anytime anywhere near you wherever it may be found lying around located nearby closeby thereabouts inside outside somewhere else entirely beyond our control almost completely lost forevermore than ever before anyone could imagine impossible dreams come true if we just believe together strong enough as one united whole family of friends loving life like never before because anything can happen when you least expect it sometimes unexpected surprises appear magically out of nowhere suddenly popping up unexpectedly totally taken aback shocked surprised amazed delighted happy joyous grateful thankful appreciative humbled blessed relieved overjoyed elated ecstatic thrilled excited jumping for joy celebrating success winning big time feeling accomplished proud victorious triumphant conquering overcoming adversity triumphing achieving greatness living large making history leaving legacies behind inspiring others following footsteps blazing trails leading way showing light guiding paths towards brighter futures ahead onward onwards marching forward courageously boldly bravely confidently determined focused motivated inspired driven dedicated passionate purposeful meaningful worthwhile valuable priceless irreplaceable invaluable incomparable truly unique special amazing incredible wonderful spectacular fantastic phenomenal extraordinary magnificent breathtaking awe-inspiring sublime majestic glorious grandiose regal royal luxurious opulent divine holy sacred sacrosanct inviolable unassailable indomitable invincible unbeatable unsurpassed peerless matchless unequalled unparalleled timeless ageless eternal immortal lasting everlasting infinite boundless limitless unconditional love radiates outward inward throughout entire universe infinitely expanding beyond infinity itself reaching higher realms ascending upwards soaring skywards unlocking secrets mysteries hidden deep within ourselves connecting dots joining pieces puzzle forming bigger picture revealing truth enlightening journey begins anew every single day again anew same old story told differently countless ways endless possibilities awaiting discovery exploration awaits intrepid adventurers seekers souls searching seeking answers questions unknowns unknowables challenging status quo breaking boundaries pushing limits testing boundaries striving excellence aiming highest goals ambitions desires aspirations hopes wishes dreams fantasies passions yearnings longings cravings burning fire flames ignite spirit soul stirring emotions heartstrings tugging pulling along ride waves energy vibrations frequencies resonance harmony balance peace serenity bliss enlightenment freedom liberation emancipation salvation deliverance redemption transformation metamorphosis evolution revolution paradigm shift quantum leap giant leaps bounds progress advancement innovation creation manifestation destiny fate kismet predestined unfolding events happening course things take place world turns round goes spin wheel fortune luck chance randomness uncertainty chaos unpredictability surprise mystery excitement adventure fun wild rollercoaster rides times good bad indifferent moments pass quickly slow motion fast pace dizzying speeds stop start go faster slower backwards forwards sideways upside down loop de loops corkscrews switchbacks steep drops free falls plummeting heights abyss depths darkness light shadows sunshine rainbows moonbeams starlight twinkling stars galaxies universes explore discover expand horizons minds hearts spirits soar fly high above clouds reach heavens touch stars dream sweetest thoughts feel warmth embrace purest form unconditional love holds us tight keeps safe protected cherished loved cared valued respected honored treasured adored admired appreciated praised glorified esteemed venerated worshipped reverred sanctified hallowed beloved precious gems jewels crown jewels greatest treasures keepers guardians protectors defenders champions warriors heroes saviors messiahs angels sent save humanity lead astray wander off path correct wrong set straight make amends forgive forget learn grow wiser stronger better best rise fall succeed fail try harder smarter easier simpler complex advanced future past present ancient modern traditional futuristic primitive cutting edge avant garde revolutionary innovative disruptive creative inventive ingenious ingenuous dexterous skillful masterfully crafted magnificently designed artistry genius craftsmanship mastery virtuosity brilliance genius ingenuity originality authenticity integrity trustworthiness honesty loyalty reliability dependability consistency punctuality accountability responsibility commitment dedication discipline focus perseverance tenacity resilience determination ambition drive passion zeal enthusiasm exuberance vibrancy verve ardor zealousness fervor intensity dynamism vigour potency strength power might force authority dominance sovereignty supremacy dominion omnipotence omniscience omnipresence immortality divinity godliness holiness purity innocence beauty grace elegance poise charm charisma magnetism aura mystique splendor glory radiance luminescence luminosity effulgence resplendency shine sparkle glitter glimmer shimmer gleam scintillate incandescence blaze dazzle bedazzlement wonderment enchantment marvel astonishment admiration reverence devotion idolatry worship praise homage adulation flattery respect honor esteem deference veneration worship devoutness faithfulness allegiance fealty constancy fidelity trust solace comfort succor refuge haven asylum sanctuary harbor bastion bulwark rampart fortress citadel stronghold oasis paradise utopia nirvana heaven earth realm kingdom domain empire principality duchy province state nation country homeland motherland fatherland patria hearth home

Pricing and Benefits

Is SexSearch Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

SexSearch is an online dating app that allows users to connect with potential partners. The app offers both free and paid subscriptions, so users can choose the option that best suits their needs.

Benefits of a Paid Subscription:
  • Unlimited access to all features on the site – Access to advanced search filters – Priority customer service support – Ability to send unlimited messages and photos – Increased visibility in searches for other members.

Prices for paid subscription plans vary depending on length of time purchased but generally range from $19 per month up tp $99 per year (with discounts available). This makes them competitively priced compared with similar services offered by competitors. In addition, there are often promotional deals which offer additional savings such as discounted rates when purchasing multiple months at once or special introductory prices for new customers only.

Cancellation process is simple and straightforward; simply log into your account settings page and select “Cancel My Account” button located near bottom right corner of screen (underneath profile photo). Refunds may be issued if cancellation occurs within 30 days after purchase date; however any unused portion will not be refunded unless required by law in certain states/countries where applicable laws exist regarding refunds related digital goods/services purchases made over internet..

Ultimately whether one chooses free version or opts-in for paid subscription plan depends entirely upon individual user’s preferences & budget constraints they face while using this service . Some people might find value out paying extra money each month while others could get away without spending anything due basic functionality being provided through free membership tier itself .

Help & Support

SexSearch is a website that provides access to dating services and adult entertainment. It has an extensive support system in place for its users, ensuring they have the best possible experience while using the site.

The first way you can access support on SexSearch is through their customer service page. This page contains detailed information about how to contact them via email or phone, as well as FAQs with quick answers for commonly asked questions. The response time from customer service representatives varies depending on your query but generally ranges between 24-48 hours after submitting your request.

Another great resource available to SexSearch customers are online forums where members can discuss topics related to sex and relationships in general or ask specific questions about using the site itself if needed be answered by other experienced users of it quickly without having wait too long like when contacting official staff directly . Furthermore , there’s also dedicated blog section full of useful tips , advice & tutorials which should help anyone newbie get up & running smoothly right away !


1. Is SexSearch safe?

SexSearch is not a safe website. It is an adult dating site that contains explicit content and activities, which can be dangerous for those who are unaware of the risks associated with it. While SexSearch does have some safety measures in place to protect its users, such as profile verification and moderation of user profiles, there are still potential dangers involved when using this type of website. For example, scammers may use fake profiles or try to get personal information from unsuspecting members; likewise sexual predators could target vulnerable people on the site without their knowledge or consent. Additionally, because SexSearch allows anyone over 18 years old to join regardless of gender identity or orientation (including transgender individuals), minors could potentially access inappropriate material if they were able to bypass age restrictions on the platform. Ultimately then while SexSearch does offer certain safeguards against abuse and exploitation within its community guidelines – these should never replace common sense caution when engaging with any online activity involving strangers

2. Is SexSearch a real dating site with real users?

Yes, SexSearch is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 1999 and boasts millions of members worldwide. The website provides an easy-to-use platform for people to connect with others who are looking for casual encounters or long term relationships. There are also features such as chat rooms, video profiles, and virtual gifts that can be used to communicate between members on the site. Additionally, there is a comprehensive search feature which allows you to narrow down your results based on criteria like age range or location so that you can find exactly what you’re looking for in no time at all! All in all, SexSearch offers its users an enjoyable experience when it comes to online dating and hookups – making it one of the most popular sites out there today!

3. How to use SexSearch app?

Using the SexSearch app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store depending on your device. Once downloaded, open up the app and create an account by entering some basic information such as your name, age, gender identity etc. After creating an account you can start browsing through profiles of people in your area who are looking for casual encounters or something more serious if that’s what you prefer. You can also use filters to narrow down potential matches based on their interests and preferences so it’s easier to find someone compatible with yourself quickly! When viewing a profile simply click ‘Like’ if they interest you – once both parties have liked each other then a chat window opens allowing users to get talking right away! The SexSearch App provides a safe platform for users seeking companionship without any pressure or commitment – perfect for those just wanting some fun in their lives!

4. Is SexSearch free?

SexSearch is not free. It does offer a limited number of features for free, such as creating an account and browsing profiles. However, if you want to use any of the advanced features like sending messages or viewing full-size photos, then you will need to upgrade your membership by purchasing credits with real money. This means that SexSearch is not completely free but offers some basic services at no cost so users can get familiar with the site before deciding whether they would like to invest in it further.

5. Is SexSearch working and can you find someone there?

Yes, SexSearch is working and it can be used to find someone. It is a dating website that caters specifically to those looking for casual encounters or more serious relationships. The site has an extensive database of users from all over the world, so you are sure to find someone who fits your criteria. You can search by location, age range, gender preference and other factors in order to narrow down potential matches quickly and easily. Once you have found some people that match what you’re looking for on SexSearch, then it’s just a matter of getting in touch with them via chat or emailing back-and-forth until one party decides they would like to meet up in person if both parties feel comfortable doing so after having had time communicating online firstly .


In conclusion, SexSearch is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are very intuitive, making it easy to navigate the website and access its features. The safety and security of users’ data is also well-protected with advanced encryption technology. Additionally, help & support from customer service representatives can be easily accessed via email or phone call if needed. Lastly, user profiles on SexSearch appear to have high quality as they contain detailed information about their interests that allow potential matches to get an idea of what kind of person they’re talking too before even messaging them directly.. All in all this makes SexSearch a reliable platform when searching for dates online

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Author Richard Rodriguez

Richard Rodriguez is a passionate writer and relationship expert from Los Angeles, California. He has been writing about love and relationships for over 10 years, and his work has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, Elite Daily, and the Good Men Project. He is dedicated to helping couples find their way back to a healthy and loving relationship. His writing is often described as heartfelt and deeply personal, as he draws on his own experiences to explore the complexities of modern relationships. In his free time, Richard enjoys spending time with family and friends, exploring the outdoors, and engaging in meaningful conversations. He is an advocate for open and honest communication, believing that it is the key to any successful relationship.