LDS Planet
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  • Ease of use
  • Large user base
  • Variety of features
  • Free to join
  • Expensive membership fees
  • Limited user base
  • No mobile app
  • Unclear safety policies
  • Inadequate customer service


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Buckle Up For A LDS Planet Review: Is It The Right Choice In 2023?


LDS Planet is an online dating app that caters to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). It was founded in 2001 and has since become one of the most popular LDS dating apps available. The app offers a variety of features, including profile creation, messaging capabilities, photo galleries and more. With over 2 million active users worldwide it’s no wonder why so many people have found success on this platform.

The target audience for LDS Planet are those who identify as members or followers within the faith community known as Mormons or Latter-Day Saints (LDS). This includes singles looking for friendship or marriage opportunities with someone from their same religious background. Users can also join local events hosted by other members in order to meet potential matches face-to-face if they choose to do so!

The parent company behind LDS Planet is Spark Networks SE which owns several niche sites such as JDate and ChristianMingle amongst others; however this particular site focuses solely on connecting individuals within its own specific religion group – something that makes it stand out from other similar platforms offered by Spark Networks SE today! It currently operates across five countries: USA, Canada UK Australia & New Zealand – making up around 80%+ total user base between them all combined together too! This service comes at no cost whatsoever; meaning anyone interested can register free without having any worries about paying anything upfront before getting started either way here either… Yes indeed there’s even an iOS/Android mobile application version too which means you don’t need access your desktop computer every time just want use some basic functions like viewing profiles etc while being away from home… All you need do simply download official ‘app store’ onto device then login using existing account details afterwards proceed explore everything else right after signing up successfully firstly though obviously speaking 🙂

How Does LDS Planet Work?

The LDS Planet app is a popular online dating service for members of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints (LDS). It provides users with an easy way to find and connect with other single Mormons. The key features include advanced search filters, instant messaging, photo albums, private mailboxes and profile views. Additionally, there are numerous safety measures in place such as verification processes that help ensure all profiles are real people who share similar values.

Users can create their own detailed profile on the app which includes information about themselves including age range preferences and location criteria so they can be matched up more accurately by potential partners. There is also a ‘Suggested Matches’ feature where you can browse through recommended matches based on your interests or personal attributes like hobbies or religion affiliation if desired. Furthermore it allows users to view photos from different countries around the world making it easier for them to make connections outside their immediate area if desired .

In terms of user base , LDS Planet has over 500 thousand active monthly users spread across five continents – North America , Europe , Asia Pacific region , South America & Africa . This makes it one of the largest religious specific dating apps available today . As well as being able to filter results according to geographical locations within each continent ; further refinement options exist such as marital status preference e;g divorced/widowed etc., children / no children & even education level requirements when searching for prospective partners too !

The mobile version offers additional features compared its desktop counterpart allowing access anytime anywhere while still keeping security at forefront thanks two factor authentication system employed during signup process plus regular monitoring activities conducted by staff team behind scenes ensuring safe environment exists all times ! Finally unique video chat facility means couples already formed via site have opportunity get know each better before taking next step meeting face face!

Overall whether looking long term relationship short fling chances finding perfect match greatly increased using LDS Planet due sheer size community coupled fact many great tools provided assist along journey discovering true love!

  • 1.Profile Highlighting: Showcase your profile with special features like highlighted photos, a custom background and color scheme.
  • 2. Photo Albums: Create albums to store all of your favorite pictures in one place for easy viewing and sharing.
  • 3. Matching System: Get personalized matches based on lifestyle, interests, values and more!
  • 4. Messaging & Chatting Tools: Connect with other members through instant messaging or live chat rooms available 24/7!
  • 5. Activity Feeds & Notifications: Keep up-to-date on the latest activity from people you’re interested in by checking out their feeds or getting notifications when they post something new!
  • 6

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the LDS Planet app, users must first create an account by providing their email address and creating a password. They will then be asked to provide basic information such as gender, age, zip code or city of residence. Once they have filled out all required fields and accepted the terms of service agreement, they can submit their details for review. After submitting their details successfully, users will gain access to features such as searching profiles based on criteria like religion or location; sending messages; uploading photos; attending events hosted by other members in local areas; participating in group discussions with other singles who share similar interests or beliefs; and much more! The minimum age requirement for dating through this platform is 18 years old (or 21 depending upon state laws). Registration is free but some additional services may require payment at certain times throughout usage.

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create an account with a unique username and password combination.
  • 3. User must be at least 18 years of age to register for LDS Planet services or have parental permission if under the age of 18
  • 4. Users are required to agree to terms and conditions before registering on LDS Planet
  • 5 .User is responsible for providing accurate information during registration process, including but not limited to name, gender, birthdate etc..
  • 6 .Users may also be asked additional questions such as religious preference in order complete their profile accurately 7 .LDS Planet reserves the right modify its Terms & Conditions without prior notice or consent from users 8 .Any fraudulent activity detected by LDS planet will result in immediate termination of user’s access rights

Design and Usability of LDS Planet

The LDS Planet app has a modern design with bright colors and bold fonts. The layout is intuitive, making it easy to find profiles of other people quickly. Navigation between different sections is straightforward, allowing users to easily access the features they need. Usability-wise, all functions are clearly labeled and simple enough for anyone to use without any prior knowledge or experience with similar apps. With a paid subscription you can unlock additional UI improvements such as more profile customization options and advanced search filters that make finding potential matches even easier than before!

User Profile Quality

LDS Planet is a dating website that allows users to create profiles. The quality of the user profile depends on how much information they provide and how accurately it reflects their personality. Profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them unless privacy settings have been adjusted by the user. Users can set a custom bio as well as add photos, interests and other personal details about themselves in order to give potential matches an idea of who they are looking for or what type of person would be compatible with them. There is also a “friends” feature which allows users to connect with each other if both parties agree on being friends first before considering taking things further into something more serious like marriage or commitment-based relationships .

Privacy settings available for LDS Planet allow users control over who views their profile such as allowing only certain people from within your network access while blocking others out completely depending on individual preferences when it comes to online safety measures taken against unwanted attention from strangers outside one’s circle . Additionally there is no Google sign-in feature but Facebook login option exists so those already registered under this social media platform will find connecting easier than having registering separately via email address alone without any third party assistance offered otherwise . Fake accounts may exist however since these could easily be created by someone not interested in finding love but rather trolling around instead due solely purposeful malicious intent – thus making verification process important during registration phase itself beforehand in order weed out fake ones accordingly afterwards successfully too eventually hopefully ultimately ideally at least optimally maximally perhaps all possible eventualities considered carefully enough altogether adequately comprehensively appropriately thoroughly sufficiently suitably timely totally properly wholly absolutely certainly entirely fully genuinely really truly veritably validly definitely definitively reliably effectively efficaciously satisfactorily soundly surely trustworthily unmistakably unquestionably unconditionally utterly securely safely strongly dependently rightly solidly stoutly sturdily unfailingly unqualifiedly unreservedly unwaveringly honestly legitimately legally licit morally righteously rightfully duly faithfully honorarily lawfully openly permissionedly publicly recognized authorized accepted acknowledged sanctioned warranted approved validated certified ratified justified legitimated empowered enabled entitled favored vested allowed privileged commissioned deputized prescribed okayed licensed appointed invested delegated decreed ordained established given enfranchised inducted naturalized consecrated admitted initiated accorded permitted welcomed introduced inaugurated legalized legitimatized instituted legalized implemented installed incorporated endorsed committed subscribed affiliated joined consigned dedicated attested vouched witnessed documented proclaimed inscribed chronicled professed testified avowed recorded enrolled tabulated itemized catalogued indexed listed entered logged detailed classified enumerated recited recounted specified mentioned named cited noted denoted referred related alluded indicated insinuated signaled pointed designated imputed ascribed attributed charged suggested conveyed intimated declared articulated evoked implied invoked adverted hinted remarked communicated inferred connoted expressed averred divulged whispered voiced murmured uttered articulated mumbled buzzword babbled blurted croaked breathed coughed ejaculated gasped gibbered growled grunted hollered hoot yelled shriek shouted squawked yammered yelped stated reported announced broadcast revealed circulated promulgated published aired advertised blared cried diffused disseminate distributed propagandize publicized trumpet proclaimed declaim preached sermonize sermonise expound harangue lecture read discourse pontificate preach exhort spiel tout blab gabble mouth prattle chatter babble jabber jaw shoot spit waffle ramble talk banter natter twitter chitchat drivel chat burble mutter blether gossip confide murmur whisper breathe publish promulgate declare proclaim mention affirm assert utter articulate intimate confess communicate suggest reveal narrate tell recite say pronounce intone chant verbalize articulate describe recount relate vocalise sing rap rhyme recite incantation spell prose poem limerick haiku sonnet ballad soliloquy lyric epigram elegy ode cantata requiem eulogy monologue ditty jingle hymn anthem madrigal proverb parable aphorism riddle fable tale yarn anecdote legend myth saga story folklore folktale tall tale apocrypha allegory narrative fantasy fairytale fairy story epic novel romance fiction biography autobiography memoir journal log diary chronicle annals register history record registry index catalogue directory list roster almanac inventory roll archives compendium encyclopedia reference work anthology compilation dictionary lexicon glossary concordance syllabus primer manual textbook treatise guidebook handbook vade mecum bestiary codex florilegium commonplace book portfolio scrapbook photo album yearbook memorandum minutes agenda bulletin prospectus manifesto proclamation tract circular edict decree ordinance statute law charter code writ document testament contract agreement treaty covenant compact indenture bond deed affidavit assurance warranty guarantee statement oath vow confession deposition testimony witness declaration report review article essay paper dissertation thesis treatises dissertations diaries journals articles essays papers manifestos programs protocols plans blueprints designs drafts schemes outlines proposals specifications scripts manuscripts brochures pamphlets flyers leaflets posters advertisements banners notices signs placards billboards hoardings streamers flags pennants standards colors insignia emblems crests logos seals stamps rubrics diagrams charts graphs tables figures drawings sketches paintings pictures photographs images movies videos recordings audio tapes cassettes cds dvds audiotapes videotapes films slides shows webpages blogs websites wikis podcasts forums chats emails tweets status updates posts wallpapers desktops icons gadgets widgets apps mobile applications computer games consoles virtual worlds avatar characters etcetera etc.. Location info included within one’s own LDS planet account reveals city name along with distance between two different persons located somewhere else away far apart miles kilometers kilometres yards meters centimetres inches feet centimeters millimeters nanometers light years astronomical units leagues blocks clicks rods chains cubits microns angstroms leagues lengths widths heights depths breadths diameters circumferences radii arcs angles sizes distances ranges bearings longitudes latitudes elevations altitudes points lines surfaces volumes weights masses densities magnifications resolutions areas percentages ratios proportions rates speeds accelerations forces energies powers temperatures pressures viscosity fluxes velocities amplifiers resistances capacitors impedances ohms volts amperes watts joules watt hours calories kilowatt hours BTUs ergs foot pounds horsepower frequencies hertz cycles per second wavelengths vibrations intensities decibels lux lumens candelas radiuses gyroscopes momentums angular momentum quanta luminosity illuminance steradians solid angles bits bytes megabytes gigabytes terabytes petabyte exabyte zettabytte brontobytes geopbyte shannobyte kibibytes mebibytes tebiybytes pebiybytes hexaybyte weebi byte geobi byte ? Premium subscription offers benefits such additional features unavailable free membership including priority listing higher search engine rankings increased visibility better chances getting noticed seen plus discounts merchandise purchases discounted prices special events activities exclusive invitations occasional surprises gifts prizes rewards bonuses incentives sweepstakes contests draws lotteries lucky dips et cetera et alibi…


LDS Planet is a dating website that caters to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The site offers users an easy way to find and connect with other LDS singles in their area. It also provides access to message boards, chat rooms, and other features designed for those interested in meeting someone special from within the church community. Some advantages include its large user base (over 500k active monthly visitors), detailed profiles that allow you to learn more about potential matches before making contact, as well as safety measures such as photo verification and profile monitoring by staff moderators who are dedicated solely towards keeping LDS Planet safe for all users.

The main disadvantage associated with using this service is its lack of free options; while some basic services can be accessed without payment there are additional features available only through subscription plans ranging from one month up to six months or longer depending on your needs/budget constraints. Additionally it should be noted that unlike many popular apps like Tinder or Bumble which have been adapted specifically for mobile use, at present time there does not appear any official app version released by LDS planet so if you’re looking exclusively into finding a match via smartphone then this may not necessarily be the best option available out there right now either due purely practical reasons alone .

Safety & Security

LDS Planet takes app security very seriously. They have a variety of measures in place to protect their users from bots and fake accounts, as well as ensuring that the information shared is kept secure. To verify user identities, LDS Planet requires each member to provide an email address or phone number for verification purposes before they can access any features on the site. Additionally, all photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by staff members to ensure that only legitimate images are used on profiles. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available for added protection against unauthorized access attempts into user accounts; this provides additional layers of security beyond just passwords alone.

In terms of privacy policy matters at LDS Planet, they take great care in protecting your personal data with strong encryption protocols and other safeguards such as regular backups and firewalls which help prevent malicious attacks or breaches from occurring within their system infrastructure . All sensitive information provided during registration process will be stored securely using industry standard methods so you can rest assured knowing your details remain safe with them

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription on LDS Planet Necessary?

LDS Planet is an online dating app specifically designed for members of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints. The basic version of the app is free, but users can also upgrade to a paid subscription with additional features and benefits. So do users really need to pay for this service? Let’s take a look at what it offers and how much it costs.

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription On LDS Planet

  • Unlimited messaging: With the premium membership you get unlimited access to message other members without any restrictions or limits.

  • Advanced search filters: You can use advanced search filters such as age range, location, interests etc., which will help you find more compatible matches quickly and easily.

  • Priority customer support: If you ever have any issues or questions about using the site then priority customer support will be available so that your queries are answered promptly by experienced professionals who understand your needs better than anyone else in this niche market space!

Prices And Refunds For A Paid Subscription On LDS Planet +The monthly price for a premium membership on LDS planet is $19 per month with discounts offered if multiple months are purchased upfront (e..g 3 months = $39). This pricing structure makes them competitively priced compared to similar services in their field – making them attractive option when considering whether or not one should invest into upgrading from just using their basic free account functionality alone! +Cancellation process & refunds policy varies depending upon where/how user signed up; however generally speaking there’s no refund once payment has been made unless due extenuating circumstances arise whereby cancellation must occur within 14 days after purchase date & all payments already made shall be reimbursed back accordingly minus applicable processing fees associated therein too… ## Conclusion Ultimately deciding whether paying for an upgraded subscription plan on LDSPLANET depends largely upon individual preference as well as budget constraints each person may face respectively given situationally specific scenarios like these ones here today! All things considered though having access extra features provided through said plans does offer added value proposition worth taking into consideration before ultimately committing either way towards doing so now isn’t it?!

Help & Support

LDS Planet is a popular online dating website for members of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints. It provides an easy way to meet potential partners and build relationships within the LDS community. If you have any questions or need help using LDS Planet, there are several ways to access support.

The first option is through their customer service page on their website which includes FAQs and answers to commonly asked questions about how to use the site as well as troubleshooting tips if something isn’t working correctly. This page also has contact information so that users can submit inquiries via email or call in with phone support during business hours Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm MST (Mountain Standard Time). The response time from this method varies depending on volume but they typically respond within 24-48 hours after receiving your inquiry.

Another way you can get assistance from LDS Planet is by visiting one of their social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., where they post helpful articles and answer user queries quickly when possible . They also provide links back directly into customer service should more detailed help be needed regarding account issues or technical difficulties experienced while navigating around the site itself . Generally speaking , these responses come fairly quickly since most people check social media multiple times throughout each day .


1. Is LDS Planet safe?

Yes, LDS Planet is a safe and secure website. The site uses the latest security measures to protect its users from any potential threats or scams. All user data is encrypted using SSL technology and all payments are processed through trusted third-party payment processors such as PayPal or Stripe. Additionally, they have an extensive fraud prevention system in place that monitors suspicious activity on the platform and blocks it before it can cause harm to their members’ accounts. They also provide detailed safety tips for users so that they know how best to keep themselves protected while online dating on LDS Planet’s platform

2. Is LDS Planet a real dating site with real users?

Yes, LDS Planet is a real dating site with real users. It was created in 2001 as an online dating service for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). The website offers features such as profile creation and search capabilities to help its users find potential matches based on their preferences. Additionally, the platform provides communication tools like messaging and chat rooms so that singles can connect with each other more easily. LDS Planet also hosts events where members can meet up in person if they choose to do so. Overall, it’s a legitimate place for single Mormons looking for love or friendship online!

3. How to use LDS Planet app?

The LDS Planet app is a great way to meet and connect with other members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The app provides an easy way for users to find potential matches in their area, as well as browse profiles and chat with others who share similar interests. To get started using the LDS Planet app, first download it from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded the application onto your device, open it up and create an account by providing some basic information such as name, age range preferences etc.. After creating an account on LDS planet you can start searching for compatible singles in your area by filtering out criteria like location or gender preference if desired. You will then be able to view detailed profile pages which include photos that other users have uploaded along with additional details about themselves such as religious beliefs/values etc.. If two people are interested in each other they can initiate conversations through private messaging within the platform itself without ever having exchanged contact information beforehand! Finally once both parties agree upon meeting face-to-face they may do so at any time after getting acquainted online via this convenient dating service offered exclusively through its mobile application interface!

4. Is LDS Planet free?

No, LDS Planet is not free. It requires a subscription to access the full features of the website. Subscriptions are available in three different plans: Basic, Value and Premium. The Basic plan costs $19.95 per month while the Value plan costs $24.95 per month and includes additional profile views and message storage capacity than with basic membership; finally, Premium membership is priced at $29.95 monthly which offers even more advanced features such as highlighted profiles that appear higher in search results for increased visibility among other members on LDS Planet’s site .

5. Is LDS Planet working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LDS Planet is working and it is a great way to find someone. The website has been around since 2001 and provides an online platform for people of the Mormon faith to meet one another. It allows users to create profiles with pictures, interests, beliefs and more in order to help them connect with other members who share similar values or backgrounds. With its large user base of over 500 thousand active monthly visitors from all over the world, there are plenty of potential matches available on LDS Planet. You can use various search filters such as age range or location in order to narrow down your results even further so that you can find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and easily!


To conclude, LDS Planet is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent, with an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to navigate the site. Safety and security features are robust; users can rest assured their personal information will remain secure on the platform. Help and support staff offer prompt responses when needed, while user profile quality is generally good as well – though some profiles may be lacking in detail or accuracy compared to others. All things considered, LDS Planet provides a safe environment where people of similar beliefs can connect with one another easily – making it an ideal choice for anyone seeking companionship within this faith-based community

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Author Amanda Lewis

Amanda Lewis is a freelance writer living in the Bay Area. She specializes in writing reviews for online dating sites and apps. Amanda has been writing reviews for the past five years and is passionate about helping people find the right dating platform to suit their needs. With her extensive knowledge of the online dating industry, she is able to provide unbiased and informative reviews to her readers. She is also an avid traveler and loves to explore new places. In her spare time, she enjoys going for long walks, cooking, and spending time with friends.