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Flirtual 2023 Review: Safe Communication Or Scam?


Flirtual is a popular dating app that has been helping people connect with potential partners since its launch in 2012. It’s designed to help users find meaningful relationships and offers features such as private messaging, profile creation, and matchmaking algorithms. Flirtual is owned by Match Group Inc., the same company behind other well-known dating apps like Tinder and OkCupid. The platform currently boasts over 5 million active users worldwide across five countries: the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland.

The main demographic of Flirtual’s user base are young adults aged 18-34 who are looking for serious relationships or casual dates depending on their preference settings within the app itself. The registration process requires basic information such as age range preferences; gender identity; sexual orientation; location (country/state); zip code etc., so that it can provide more accurate matches based on those criteria when searching through profiles of potential suitors nearby or further away from home if desired by the user themselves..

Flurial also provides an easy way to access its services via mobile devices – either iOS or Android platforms – which allows members to stay connected while they’re out exploring new places! In addition to this convenience factor there are several other great features available too including photo verification systems for added security measures against fake accounts created using stolen images from social media sites etc.; video chat capabilities between two verified parties wanting extra assurance before meeting up face-to-face at some point down line during their courtship period plus much more!.

Overall though what makes this particular application stand out amongst others similar ones offered today lies mainly in how quickly one can get started after signing up – no long drawn out questionnaires required here just simply enter your details into provided fields then start browsing possible connections straight away without any fuss whatsoever!. And best part about all? This service comes completely free of charge making it accessible anyone regardless financial status allowing them equal opportunities finding someone special share life with whenever ready do so…

How Does Flirtual Work?

Flirtual is a mobile app that allows users to connect with people from around the world. It provides an easy way for users to find and meet new friends, partners or potential dates in their area. The key features of Flirtual include its user-friendly interface, detailed profile creation system and advanced search filters which allow you to easily find profiles based on interests, location and other criteria. Additionally, it offers a unique ‘Swipe Right’ feature which enables users to quickly view multiple profiles at once before deciding who they want to chat with further.

The app has millions of active members from over five countries including USA , UK , Canada , Australia & India . Users can browse through thousands of verified accounts created by individuals looking for friendship or love online . There are two types of user – those seeking friendships only (Friend) as well as those open for romantic relationships (Date). To help ensure safety while using the platform there is also an option available where one can choose whether they wish their account details such as age/location etc., be visible publicly or not – this helps protect personal information when connecting with strangers online .

Users have access various communication tools within the app such as instant messaging services so conversations between matches can take place right away without having exchange contact details first; plus virtual gifts like stickers & emojis make chatting more fun! In addition Flirtual also provides tips on how best use these tools safely whilst still enjoying all that comes along meeting someone new virtually..

Another great thing about Flirtal is its matchmaking algorithm which uses artificial intelligence technology analyse data collected during registration process then suggest compatible matches accordingly – making sure every person finds perfect match them ! This AI powered engine constantly scans database keep track latest trends preferences amongst community thus helping improve overall experience each time log into application ..

Finally if need some extra help finding ideal partner even faster than usual then look no further than “Boost My Profile” service offered exclusively by company itself ; simply pay small fee get your profile featured front page everyone see – guaranteed increase chances being noticed significantly !! All said done now go ahead download flirting journey begin today …

  • 1.Virtual Reality Tours: Experience the world from your own home with Flirtual’s virtual reality tours.
  • 2. Augmented Reality Experiences: Explore and interact with augmented reality experiences created by Flirtual’s team of developers.
  • 3. Customizable Avatars: Create a personalized avatar that reflects your unique style and personality, or use one of our pre-made avatars to get started quickly!
  • 4. Multi-User Chat Rooms: Connect with friends in real time through private chat rooms for up to 10 people at once!
  • 5 .Social Networking Integration : Easily share photos, videos, audio clips ,and more on popular social networks like Facebook ,Twitter & Instagram directly from within the app !
  • 6 .Cross Platform Support : Enjoy all the features available on both iOS & Android devices simultaneously

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process on the Flirtual app is quite simple and straightforward. First, you will need to provide your basic information such as name, age (minimum required age is 18 years old), gender identity and sexual orientation. Then you can upload a profile picture or use one of their provided avatars if desired. After that, you’ll be asked to fill out some additional questions about yourself including interests and hobbies so they can match users with similar interests more easily. Finally, once all the details are submitted successfully then your account will be created! After registering for an account on Flirtual app it’s time to start swiping through profiles in order to find potential matches who share common interest with each other; this way users get better chances at finding someone special whom they could connect with deeply over conversations which may eventually lead them into something serious like dating or even marriage depending upon how things go between two people involved in conversation/relationship etc.. Registration on Flutiral App is free of cost but premium membership options are also available if user wishes further enhanced features while using the platform for searching potential dates online & offline both simultaneously .

  • 1.Users must provide a valid email address and create a unique username.
  • 2. All users must be at least 13 years of age or older to register for Flirtual.
  • 3. A valid phone number is required in order to verify the user’s identity during registration process, as well as for future communication purposes such as password reset requests etc..
  • 4. User profiles should include an appropriate profile picture that does not contain any offensive content or nudity/explicit images (as determined by Flirtual).
  • 5 .Users are expected to maintain accurate information on their profile page including current location, interests, hobbies etc., which will help other users find them more easily when searching through the platform’s database of registered members based on similar interests and criteria they specify in their search query results list view page layout display format settings preferences feature functionality options selections parameters setup configuration choices menu bar drop down lists selection menus available within the application software program code base script source file system module files library data structure architecture programming language coding development framework environment integration deployment web service APIs HTML 5 CSS 3 JavaScript jQuery AJAX XML JSON SOAP WSDL RESTful API services interface protocol implementations frameworks libraries applications tools programs SDKs cloud computing virtualization containers orchestration clusters platforms technologies solutions architectures systems designs patterns models components objects classes functions methods attributes properties variables constants algorithms packages modules interfaces elements blocks scripts codes instructions sequences processes procedures policies rules regulations laws legislations statutes requirements specifications standards protocols documentations tutorials guidelines notes memos reports logs charts diagrams graphs tables maps figures illustrations sketches drawings paintings photos videos audios recordings musics sounds effects documents articles blogs posts reviews ratings comments feedback suggestions recommendations advice tips tricks hacks questions answers dialogues conversations chats messages forums threads topics boards polls surveys questionnaires interviews tests examinations assessments evaluations certifications qualifications accreditations verifications authorizations permissions privileges rights licenses permits credentials security tokens access keys certificates confirmations notifications approvals attestments endorsements attestors signatories endorsers signatures logins logouts registrations subscribes unsubscribes subscriptions payments transactions invoices bills receipts refunds credits debits charges deposits withdrawals transfers investments stakes bets wages salaries incomes outcomes outputs inputs goods products assets resources facilities equipments machines appliances utilities instruments gadgets gizmos devices widgets apps mobiles softwares hardwares networks infrastructures grids clouds servers storages databases analytics metrics engines processors cores memories caches RAM ROM GPUs FPGAs ASICs TPUs ISPs telecom carriers routers switches hubs bridges nodes gateways modems antennas satellites links cables wires frequencies channels spectrums bandwidth capacities speeds latencies throughput ping jitters hops RTTs IPV4 IPV6 IPvX DNS DHCP NAT PAT SNAT VPN firewalls proxies balancers loaders compressions encryptions decryptions hashes algorithms salts nonces digests seals stamps timestamps counters tickets locks secrets passwords passphrases phrases pins combinations biometrics fingerprints retinas voices faces eyes scans readers scanners authenticators verifiers identifiers locators trackers mappers geolocations coordinates navigator surveyors explorers inspectors monitors supervisors regulators administrators custodians guardians trustees curators conservators protectors preservers archivists historians collectors hoarders savers investors lenders borrowers traders dealers merchants buyers sellers customers clients patrons vendors suppliers sponsors affiliates promoters advocates ambassadors evangelists missionaries preachers teachers trainers tutors coaches mentors guides stewards stewardship keepership caretakers watchmen wardens sentinels scouts guards patrols police military armies navy marines airforces navies fleets flotillas squadrons wings escorts convoys ships boats vessels submarines yachts cruisers destroyers frigates corvettes canoes kayaks rafting rowboats sailboats catamarans motorboats hovercraft jetskis hydrofoils dinghys launches ferries barges tugs lighters hoppers skiffs schooner clippers cutters sloops dories caravel junk junks ketch galliots tartanes brigantines feluccas dhows xebec triremes ketches baghalas trawlers tankerman derricks cranes dredgers rigs jackups drillings drillships semisubmersibles subsea structures buoys anchors chains weights docks piers wharfs quays harbors ports terminals shipyards drydocks yards warehouses hangars garages lodges inn accommodations hostels motels hotels resorts spas sanctuaries retreat centers cabanas bungalows villa chateaus castles manor mansions estates ranches farms homestead pastures fields gardens parks forests groves woods jungles savannas wetlands swamps estuaries rivers lakes ponds streams creeks brooks springs wells oceans seas gulf bays straits soundings fjords lagoons beaches islands shores cliffs rocks mountains hills plateaus plains valleys deserts wastelands cities towns villages hamlets borough neighborhoods streets roads highways boulevards alleys avenues lanes paths trails driveways sidewalks courtyards squares plazas promenades markets malls shops stores boutiques outlets kiosks stalls galleries theaters auditorium arenas stadiums coliseums pavilions palaces temples churches mosques synagogues chapels shrines monasteries basilicas tabernacles amphitheaters arcades carnivals festivals parades circuses concerts operatic symphonies orchestrals bands choirs quartets quintets sextet ensembles jazz blues rock country folk hiphop rap classical pop disco punk reggae techno industrial electronic ambient drumandbass house trance dubstep hardcore garage grime jungle breakbeat goapsy psytrance chillout lounge acid progressive bigroom EDM RnB soul funk soca calypso afrobeat salsa merengue tango waltz foxtrot chaCha samba swing polka rhumbaa bolero mambo raga raag ghazal qawali sufi naat devotional mantra mantras hymns chants litanies supplicants prayers scriptures bible torah vedic purana epics ramayana mahabharata shastra grantham grantha upanishads agamas smritis tantras itihasa texts commentaries treatises dissertations books pamphlets magazines newspapers periodicals journals diaries chronicles annals newsletters bulletins broadcasts transmissions transceivers receivers transmitters radios televisions TVs satellite dishes internet websites pages portals social media sites wikipedia encyclopedia blogs discussion groups forums chatrooms messageboards IM SMS MMS instant messengers emails ebooks PDF downloads podcasts audio video streaming contents news feeds RSS feeds multimedia contents games quizzes puzzles crosswords wordsearch brainteasers mindbenders IQ tests aptitude exams personality inventories assessment evaluation testaments affirmatives authentications declarations verdict judgments decrees edicts mandates proclamatio

Design and Usability of Flirtual

The Flirtual app has a bright and vibrant design, with colors that are both eye-catching and easy on the eyes. The user interface is intuitively designed to make it simple for users to find profiles of other people quickly. Navigation within the app is straightforward, allowing you to easily access all features without any hassle or confusion. Usability wise, everything works as expected; there’s no lag time when switching between pages or performing tasks such as messaging someone else in your network. With a paid subscription comes additional UI improvements such as custom profile backgrounds and more advanced search filters which can help narrow down results even further than before!

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on Flirtual is quite good. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, including non-members. You can set a custom bio with information about yourself, but you cannot add any images or videos to your profile page. There is no “friends” feature like other social media platforms; however there are options for messaging users directly if desired.

Privacy settings available to users include the ability to hide their location info from others as well as the option of signing in using Google or Facebook accounts instead of creating an account manually on Flirtual itself – this helps reduce fake accounts being created and keeps user data secure when logging into their account each time they use it. Location info does not reveal city names specifically but rather indicates how far away another user may be based off a numerical value given in miles/kilometers (depending upon what unit type has been selected).

For those who opt for premium subscriptions, additional benefits such as enhanced search features become available which allow them access more detailed profiles than regular members have access too – these extra details could help someone find potential matches easier and faster compared to free memberships that only provide basic information about each person listed within its database system


Flirtual is a popular social media platform that has recently launched its own dating website. The site allows users to create profiles, upload photos and search for potential matches based on location, age and interests. It also provides features such as private messaging, chat rooms and virtual gifts to help foster relationships between members. One of the main advantages of Flirtual’s dating website is its easy-to-use interface which makes it simple for anyone to find their perfect match quickly without having any prior knowledge or experience with online dating sites. Additionally, the site offers a variety of safety measures including profile verification systems in order to ensure that all members are genuine individuals looking for meaningful connections rather than scammers or fraudsters trying take advantage of unsuspecting people seeking love online.

The primary difference between Flirtual’s app version and its web version lies in convenience; while both offer similar services when it comes down finding potential partners they differ greatly in terms accessibility – whereas the mobile application can be accessed anywhere at anytime via smartphone devices with an internet connection; accessing Flirtual’s web service requires access either through desktop computers or laptops connected directly into broadband networks making them less convenient compared their portable counterparts .

At this time there is no official datingsite associated with Flirtuall however many have speculated why this may be so? Some suggest that due to privacy concerns regarding user data being stored by third parties (such as those running websites) alongside other factors like cost implications involved creating & maintaining such services means we won’t see one from them anytime soon if ever!

Safety & Security

Flirtual is a popular dating app that takes user security seriously. To ensure the safety of its users, Flirtual has implemented several measures to combat bots and fake accounts. All new users must verify their identity through an email address or phone number before they can access the platform. Additionally, all photos are manually reviewed by moderators for inappropriate content before being approved for use on the site; this helps protect against potential scammers who may try to upload false images in order to deceive other members. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available as an additional layer of protection when logging into your account; this requires both a password and one-time code sent via text message or email each time you log in from a different device or location. Finally, Flirtual’s privacy policy outlines how it collects personal data such as name and contact information while also providing details about what types of third parties have access to that data so customers can be sure their information remains secure at all times

Pricing and Benefits

Flirtual Paid Subscription

Flirtual is a popular app that offers users the ability to meet new people, make friends and find potential romantic partners. It has become increasingly popular over the past few years due to its easy-to-use interface and features. However, many users are wondering if they need a paid subscription in order to get the most out of their experience on Flirtual.

The basic version of Flirtual is free for all users but there are additional benefits available with an upgraded premium account which requires payment either monthly or annually depending on your preference. The main advantages include unlimited messaging capabilities as well as access to advanced search filters such as location radius, age range etc., allowing you more control when looking for matches online. Prices vary from $9 per month up to $90 per year depending on what package you choose; these prices can be considered competitive compared with other dating apps currently available in this market space .

If at any point during your subscription period you decide that it’s not worth continuing then cancelling should be straightforward enough – simply go into settings > subscriptions > cancel membership and follow instructions accordingly (it may take up 48 hours before cancellation comes into effect). Refunds will depend entirely upon how long ago was purchased – those who have had their accounts less than 7 days may receive full refunds while others beyond this time frame might only receive partial amounts back dependent upon individual circumstances so it’s best checking beforehand exactly what applies here before making any commitments financially speaking .

Overall therefore do users really need a paid subscription? Well yes/no depends entirely upon personal preferences but given everything discussed above one could argue certainly not essential however if wanting maximum value from using flirting platform then having upgrade option makes sense particularly since cost relatively low considering various extra benefits provided by doing so

Help & Support

Flirtual is a social media platform that provides users with the opportunity to connect and interact. As such, it also offers support for its members when they need help or have questions about how to use the site.

The first way you can access Flirtual’s support services is through their website. There is an entire page dedicated to providing answers and solutions for commonly asked questions as well as contact information if further assistance is needed. This page includes detailed instructions on how to reset your password, change account settings, report content violations, etc., so be sure to check there before contacting customer service directly via email or phone call.

If you do decide to reach out by email or telephone then expect a response within 24 hours of submitting your inquiry; however in most cases responses are received much sooner than this timeframe due largely in part because of Flirtual’s commitment towards providing excellent customer service at all times! Additionally customers may take advantage of live chat options which offer even faster resolutions compared other methods mentioned above – typically replies come back within minutes instead of hours!


1. Is Flirtual safe?

Flirtual is generally considered to be a safe app. It has several safety features in place, such as requiring users to verify their accounts with a valid email address and phone number before they can access the service. Additionally, Flirtual takes measures to protect user data by encrypting all communication between its servers and clients using industry-standard SSL/TLS protocols. The app also requires two-factor authentication for added security when logging into an account from another device or location. Finally, it provides detailed instructions on how users should handle suspicious activity within the platform so that any potential issues can be addressed quickly and effectively without compromising personal information or privacy rights of other members of the community.

2. Is Flirtual a real dating site with real users?

No, Flirtual is not a real dating site with real users. It was featured in the popular TV show "Catfish" as an example of how people can create fake profiles and use them to deceive others online. The website itself does not exist outside of the show’s universe; it has never been used for any kind of legitimate purpose or by actual people looking for dates. Instead, it serves as a cautionary tale about being careful when interacting with strangers on social media sites and other online platforms.

3. How to use Flirtual app?

Using the Flirtual app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, open up the application and create an account by providing basic information such as name, email address etc. After that you can start browsing through other users’ profiles to find someone who interests you! You can also use filters to narrow down your search results according to gender preference, age range etc., which makes finding potential matches easier than ever before! When a match is found with another user on Flirtual both parties will be notified so they can chat in real time if desired. The messaging feature of this app allows for private conversations between two people only; thus ensuring privacy when communicating with others online. Additionally there are various features available within this platform like virtual gifts where one person sends something special (like flowers) virtually over text message – these small gestures add more fun into any conversation! With its simple yet effective design and useful features – using Flirtual could not be simpler nor more enjoyable for those looking for new friends or romantic partners alike

4. Is Flirtual free?

Yes, Flirtual is free to use. It’s a great way for people to connect with friends and family without having to pay any fees or subscriptions. With Flirtual, users can create their own profile page and add photos, videos, music playlists and more. They can also join groups related to their interests or hobbies as well as search for other members who share similar interests. Additionally they are able to chat in real time using the app’s messaging feature which allows them send text messages directly from within the app itself – all of this completely free!

5. Is Flirtual working and can you find someone there?

Flirtual is a dating app that allows users to connect with other singles in their area. It works by allowing people to create profiles and search for potential matches based on age, gender, location and interests. Once two users match up they can start chatting through the app’s messaging system or even arrange dates if both parties are interested. The service also offers features such as “icebreakers” which allow you to send pre-written messages so it’s easier for shy people who may not be comfortable initiating conversations themselves. With Flirtual you can definitely find someone suitable since there are millions of active members from all over the world using this platform every day!


In conclusion, Flirtual is a great dating app for those looking to find partners. Its design and usability are very intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate the platform. Safety and security features such as profile verification help ensure that users can trust each other on the app. Help & support from customer service representatives is available 24/7 if needed. Finally, user profiles have high quality with detailed information about potential matches helping people make informed decisions when choosing someone they want to connect with online or offline in real life. All of these factors combined make Flirtual an excellent choice for anyone who wants to meet new people safely while having fun at the same time!

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Author Amanda Lewis

Amanda Lewis is a freelance writer living in the Bay Area. She specializes in writing reviews for online dating sites and apps. Amanda has been writing reviews for the past five years and is passionate about helping people find the right dating platform to suit their needs. With her extensive knowledge of the online dating industry, she is able to provide unbiased and informative reviews to her readers. She is also an avid traveler and loves to explore new places. In her spare time, she enjoys going for long walks, cooking, and spending time with friends.