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Jaumo Review: Is It Worth The Time In 2023?


Jaumo is a social networking app that connects people from all over the world. It has become one of the most popular dating apps in recent years, and it offers users an easy way to meet new friends or potential partners. The app was launched in 2011 by Jaumo GmbH, a German-based company founded by Jens Kammerer and Benjamin Roth. Since then, it has grown rapidly with more than 40 million active users worldwide as of 2021.

The main target audience for Jaumo are singles looking for meaningful relationships but there are also plenty of other types of connections available such as friendship or casual flirting on this platform too! This makes it ideal for anyone who wants to explore different kinds of relationships without any pressure involved – whether you’re looking for something serious or just want to have some fun chatting online with someone new!

In addition to connecting people through chat rooms and messaging features, Jaumo also provides its members with many useful tools including matchmaking algorithms which help them find compatible matches quickly based on their preferences; photo verification services so they can be sure they’re talking only real profiles; profile customization options allowing each user customize his/her page according to personal tastes; advanced search filters enabling them narrow down results easily when searching through profiles etc… All these features make finding your perfect partner much easier compared traditional methods like going out bars hoping somebody catches your eye eventually after spending hours drinking beer alone at home (not really efficient).

Currently owned by Affinitas GmbH – another Germany-based tech firm – Jaumo is especially popular among young adults living in countries like United States (where approximately 15% use this service), Brazil (14%), Mexico(13%) , Colombia(11%) & India(10%). As far as pricing goes: yes – using basic functions provided here comes free however if you wish access additional ones premium subscription plans must be purchased first ranging between $9-$30 per month depending plan chosen & length commitment made up front before starting membership period itself . Finally let’s not forget about mobile version since majority traffic coming via smartphones nowadays instead desktop computers : fortunately both Android iOS versions exist already making accessing content even easier no matter device type used anytime anywhere desired ! To get started simply download appropriate application store register account following instructions displayed screen afterwards enjoy benefits having own personalized space web where interact interesting individuals share common interests same time !

How Does Jaumo Work?

Jaumo is a dating app that helps people find potential matches in their area. It has several key features, including an intuitive user interface and easy-to-use search filters to help users narrow down the list of potential partners they may be interested in. Additionally, Jaumo offers different levels of privacy settings so that users can control who sees their profile information and how much detail they want to share with others on the platform. The app also allows for both free messaging between members as well as paid subscription options for those looking for more premium services such as video chat or additional matching capabilities.

Users are able to create profiles on Jaumo by providing basic information about themselves such as age, gender identity, location preferences etc., which then gets used by the system’s algorithm when suggesting possible matches based on compatibility criteria set up during registration process . There are two types of users: Standard Users (free) and Premium Members (paid). As per latest statistics there are over 50 million active monthly worldwide from countries like USA , UK , India , Germany & France .

The primary way one finds profiles through this app is via its matchmaking feature – where it uses data collected from each individual’s profile combined with advanced algorithms designed specifically around finding compatible relationships – taking into account factors like lifestyle choices/preferences among other things before making suggestions accordingly.. In addition one can use ‘Discover’ section within application which shows nearby singles depending upon user’s current location thus enabling them meet new people while travelling too!

In order to make sure all interactions remain safe & secure; every member must verify his/her email address at time of signup itself after which he / she will have access full range features available within application . Further if any suspicious activity found related particular account then same shall get blocked immediately without prior notice along with possibility reporting inappropriate content present therein either directly team support staff or using built–in flagging option provided under each post shared publically across network thereby helping maintain integrity community whole ensuring safety everyone involved !

Finally apart usual activities carried out social media apps; what makes unique ability connect real world events happening near you allowing stay updated upcoming parties concerts even plan date nights together friends just click button! All these great benefits comes cost nothing except few seconds your precious time course internet connection complete experience end result being lifelong relationship formed basis mutual understanding trust respect values morals beliefs held dear heart !

  • 1.Matching algorithm: Jaumo’s matching algorithm helps users find potential matches based on their preferences.
  • 2. Instant messaging: Users can chat with each other in real-time and get to know one another better before taking the next step.
  • 3. Photo verification: Photos are verified by a team of moderators to ensure authenticity and safety for all users on the platform.
  • 4. Video calls & live streaming : Allows you to connect with your match face-to-face, even if you’re miles apart!
  • 5 . Activity feed : See what others around you are up to or join conversations about topics that interest them most!
  • 6 . Profile boost feature : Boosts visibility of your profile so more people see it when they search for someone like you

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process on the Jaumo app is simple and straightforward. To begin, users will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once installed, they can open it up and click “Sign Up” in order to create an account with their email address or phone number. After submitting this information along with a username of their choice, users are asked for some basic personal details such as age range and gender preferences before creating a profile photo by taking one through the camera feature within the app itself or uploading one from their device library.

Once all these steps have been completed successfully, users must agree to Jaumo’s terms & conditions before being able to access its features fully; including swiping profiles based on mutual interests as well as messaging other members that meet certain criteria set by each user (age range etc). The minimum required age for using dating apps like Jaumo is 18 years old while registering an account is free of charge so no payment methods are necessary at any point during sign-up procedure.

  • 1.Name: The user must provide their full name.
  • 2. Email address: A valid email address is required for registration and verification purposes.
  • 3. Password: Users must create a secure password that meets the minimum requirements set by Jaumo (e.g., 8 characters, 1 uppercase letter).
  • 4. Date of birth: This information is used to verify age and ensure users are at least 18 years old before registering with Jaumo services or features such as chat rooms, forums etc..
  • 5 Age Verification Process : User should be able to prove his/her identity via any accepted form of identification like passport or driver’s license if requested by Jaumo during registration process . 6 Gender Identification : User should specify gender in order to get relevant content from other members on the platform .
  • 7 Terms & Conditions Agreement : All new users have to agree with terms & conditions provided by jaume while signing up for account creation . 8 Acceptance Of Privacy Policy And Data Protection Regulations – New user has accept privacy policy alongwith data protection regulations prior creating an account on jaume platform

Design and Usability of Jaumo

The Jaumo app has a modern and vibrant design, with bright colors that are pleasing to the eye. The layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find what they need. Profiles of other people can be easily found by using the search function or browsing through categories such as age range or interests. The usability of this app is great; all features are clearly labeled and laid out in an organized manner so it’s simple for anyone to use without any confusion. There aren’t many UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but there may be some additional options available depending on your plan level.

User Profile Quality

Jaumo profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone using the app. Users have a variety of options when creating their profile, including adding photos, custom bios and setting preferences for potential matches. The “friends” feature allows users to add friends from other social media networks or contacts in their phonebook. Privacy settings allow users to control who sees certain parts of their profile as well as block unwanted messages or notifications from other users. Jaumo also offers Google sign-in so that new accounts can easily be created with existing information without having to manually enter it into the system each time they log in again. Fake accounts are monitored on an ongoing basis but there is no guarantee against them appearing within search results occasionally due to automated processes being used by some third parties outside of Jaumo’s control.. Location info revealed on user profiles depends entirely upon what individual members choose themselves; however most will include at least city level data which may indicate approximate distances between two people depending upon where they live relative one another geographically speaking . Some premium subscription benefits include additional privacy features such as hiding location details completely if desired , access exclusive content like events near you etc .


Jaumo is a dating website and app that provides users with an easy way to find potential matches. The site allows users to create profiles, search for other members in their area, send messages and even video chat. It also has features such as “likes” which allow you to show your interest in someone without having to actually message them first. Jaumo offers its services free of charge so anyone can join the community regardless of budget or location.

The main advantage of using Jaumo over other sites is that it focuses on providing quality connections rather than just quantity; this means there are fewer fake accounts or bots cluttering up the system making it easier for genuine people looking for love (or something else) online get what they want quickly and easily from the service provided by Jaumo . On top of this, user safety is taken very seriously at all times meaning any concerns about personal data being shared inappropriately are minimized greatly compared with some other dating websites out there today. However one disadvantage could be limited access outside certain countries due geographical restrictions imposed by local governments etc., but overall most would agree these minor issues do not detract too much from what otherwise appears a reliable service offered through both web browser based platform as well as mobile apps available on iOS & Android devices respectively

Safety & Security

Jaumo is a dating app that takes user security seriously. The platform has several measures in place to ensure users have an enjoyable and safe experience while using the service. Jaumo employs verification methods for all of its users, which includes email or phone number validation as well as manual photo reviews by their team of moderators. This helps them identify any bots or fake accounts on the platform before they can interact with other members, ensuring only real people are connecting through Jaumo’s services. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available for extra protection against malicious actors trying to access your account without permission from you directly via SMS code confirmation sent during login attempts from unrecognized devices or locations..

The privacy policy at Jaumo also reflects their commitment towards protecting user data and information shared within the app itself; it outlines how personal data will be collected when signing up (such as name, age etc.), stored securely over time and not sold/shared with third parties unless necessary for legal reasons such as fraud prevention activities – making sure your safety remains top priority throughout every step taken on this dating platform!

Pricing and Benefits

Whether users need a paid subscription on Jaumo is dependent upon the user’s needs.

Jaumo offers both free and premium versions of their app, with the latter offering more features than the former. The premium version includes access to unlimited messages, no ads, priority customer support and an invisible mode that allows users to browse without being seen by others. This version costs $9.99 per month or $49 for 6 months if purchased in advance – making it competitively priced compared to other dating apps available today. • Unlimited Messages: Access all conversations without limits! • No Ads: Enjoy your experience ad-free! • Priority Customer Support: Get help faster from our dedicated team! • Invisible Mode : Browse anonymously & be unseen by others !

Cancellation process for Jaumo’s Premium Subscription can be done at any time through either iTunes or Google Play Store depending on which platform you use (iOS/Android). Refunds are not provided but customers will still have access until their current billing cycle ends before they cancel their subscription completely .

Overall , whether a user decides they need a paid subscription depends entirely on what kind of service they require from Jaumo; while some may find value in upgrading due its low cost relative to similar services , those who don’t feel like paying can still enjoy most basic features offered within this app as well .

Help & Support

Jaumo is an online dating platform that offers users the ability to access support when needed. There are several ways for users to contact Jaumo’s customer service team and get help with any issues they may have.

The first way is by visiting their Help Center page on their website, which contains a range of frequently asked questions (FAQs) as well as step-by-step instructions on how to use various features within the app. Users can also submit a ticket directly from this page if they need further assistance or cannot find what they are looking for in the FAQ section.

In addition, customers can reach out via email at [email protected] The response time varies depending on the complexity of each individual case but typically ranges between 24 hours and 48 hours after submission of an inquiry or request form through either method mentioned above. Additionally, there is no phone number available specifically dedicated to customer service inquiries; however some technical queries related topics such as account security might be addressed over telephone upon request made via email address provided above


1. Is Jaumo safe?

Jaumo is a safe and secure platform for users to connect with each other. The app has implemented several safety measures, such as user verification through email or phone number, an in-app reporting system that allows users to report any suspicious activity or inappropriate behavior they encounter on the platform, and 24/7 customer support. Additionally, Jaumo takes data security seriously by using SSL encryption technology which ensures all personal information is kept private and secure from hackers. With these features in place combined with responsible usage of the app by its members makes it one of the safest dating apps available today.

2. Is Jaumo a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Jaumo is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2011 and has grown to become one of the most popular online dating sites available today. The platform allows its members to connect with other singles from around the world for free or through their premium membership option. With over 30 million registered users worldwide, it’s easy to see why so many people have chosen Jaumo as their go-to destination for finding love and companionship online. In addition to providing an extensive database of potential matches, Jaumo also offers various features such as private messaging capabilities and photo verification that help ensure all profiles are genuine before allowing any contact between two parties on the website. This makes it easier than ever for individuals looking for true romance or friendship without having worry about being scammed by fake accounts or bots masquerading as human beings

3. How to use Jaumo app?

Jaumo is a dating app that allows users to connect with other singles in their area. It’s easy and free to use, making it an ideal way for people of all ages to meet new friends or find potential romantic partners. To get started on Jaumo, simply download the app from your device’s store and create an account by providing some basic information about yourself such as age, gender and location. Once you have completed this step you can start searching for matches based on various criteria including distance from your current location or interests shared between two people. You can also browse through profiles of others who are using the same service so that you can decide if they might be someone worth getting in touch with. When viewing another user’s profile page there will usually be options available like “Like” which indicates interest without having to send a message first; “Chat Now!” which opens up direct messaging between both parties; or even sending virtual gifts as tokens of appreciation – just remember not everyone likes receiving them! If things go well then perhaps arrange meeting up at one of the many suggested locations within Jaumo itself – but always take safety precautions when doing so!

4. Is Jaumo free?

Yes, Jaumo is free to use. The app offers a variety of features and services that can be used without any cost. It allows users to send messages, photos, videos and other content for free with no hidden charges or subscription fees. Additionally, the app also provides various premium options such as additional filters for profile pictures and more detailed search capabilities which are available at an extra cost if desired by the user.

5. Is Jaumo working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Jaumo is working and it can be used to find someone. It is a dating app that allows users to connect with other people in their area or around the world. The app provides an easy way for users to search through profiles of potential matches and start conversations with those they are interested in getting to know better. Users can also use filters such as age, gender, location and interests when searching for potential partners on the platform. Additionally, there are various chat features available within Jaumo which allow users more opportunities for communication before deciding if they would like take things further offline or not.


In conclusion, Jaumo is a great dating app that offers users the ability to find partners for casual and serious relationships. Its design and usability are excellent; it has an intuitive interface with plenty of features that make finding potential matches easy. Safety and security measures have been implemented to protect user data, including encryption technology, two-factor authentication options, photo verification tools, as well as anti-spam policies. The help center provides comprehensive support resources on how to use the platform safely while its blog section keeps users informed about online safety tips in general. Finally, profiles are detailed enough so you can get a good idea of who you’re talking to before meeting them in person or taking things further into your relationship journey together. All these factors combined make Jaumo one of the best apps out there when it comes down choosing someone special!

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Author Timothy Johnson

Timothy Johnson is a writer and relationship expert who specializes in reviews of love, sex, and online dating. He has been writing about these topics for over five years and knows the ins and outs of the dating game. Timothy has a degree in psychology and has studied the science of relationships extensively. He is an advocate for healthy relationships and believes that everyone deserves to find their perfect match. He loves to share his insights and experiences with his readers, helping them to find the best online dating sites and the most fulfilling relationships.