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  • 1. Discreet and secure
  • 2. Variety of users from all walks of life
  • 3. Easy to use platform
  • 1. Limited user base
  • 2. Lack of profile customization options
  • 3. No matching algorithm


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CougarLife 2023 Review


CougarLife is an online dating platform that has been connecting younger men and older women since 2008. It was created to bring together mature, independent women looking for relationships with younger partners who are seeking the same kind of connection. CougarLife’s mission is to provide a safe and secure environment where people can find like-minded individuals without judgment or prejudice.

The app boasts over 7 million active users from all around the world, making it one of the most popular platforms in its niche market today. The majority of these users come from five countries: United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa – although there are members registered in other parts of Europe as well as Asia Pacific regions too!

CougarLife is owned by Ruby Life Inc., which also owns several other successful online dating sites such as Ashley Madison (for married couples) and Established Men (for wealthy gentlemen). All three websites offer free basic membership but require payment if you want access to additional features such as private messaging or seeing who viewed your profile recently etc.. As far registration process goes – it’s simple enough; just enter some personal information about yourself along with valid email address so they can verify your identity before granting full access rights!

The app itself offers many useful features including “Discover Matches” section where potential matches appear based on user preferences set during sign up process; “Activity Feed” tab allows you see what others have posted within their profiles while lastly there’s always option for direct communication via chat window located at bottom right corner every time someone visits another person’s page… And yes – Cougarlife does indeed have mobile application available both iOS App Store & Google Play store which makes accessing this service even easier than ever before!

How Does CougarLife Work?

CougarLife is an app that allows users to find potential matches and make connections with other like-minded individuals. It offers a unique way for people to meet one another, allowing them to browse profiles of members from all over the world. With CougarLife, you can search through millions of active user profiles by age range or location. You can also filter your searches based on interests such as hobbies or lifestyle preferences. The app has become increasingly popular in recent years due its wide variety of features and ease-of-use; it currently boasts more than 10 million registered users worldwide!

The main feature offered by CougarLife is its ability to connect people who are looking for relationships outside their own demographic group – specifically older women seeking younger men (or vice versa). On the platform, there are many different types of cougars including divorced moms, career professionals and single mothers just looking for fun companionship without commitment expectations attached. In addition to this core audience segmentation approach which focuses on age gap dating dynamics between two adults – both male & female genders – Cougar Life also caters towards LGBTQ+ communities across five countries: USA/Canada/Australia/New Zealand & UK respectively..

Users have several options when it comes finding someone special using the app’s interface design tools: they may use keyword search functions that allow them narrow down results according specific criteria; alternatively they could opt out browsing available profile photos manually instead before deciding whether not contact any particular person directly via private messaging system built into application itself… As well as these basic searching capabilities provided within UI layout screen views themselves however customers further able access advanced filters related things likes income levels educational backgrounds even religion beliefs too if desired so helping increase chances locating perfect match whatever background happen come from exactly what type relationship might be after at same time…

In order improve overall quality service provide best possible customer experience team behind development process continuously working hard upgrade existing software packages add new ones accordingly whenever necessary do so example recently launched ‘Verified Member Program’ part being verified means individual must submit proof identity form government issued ID card passport driver license etc then upon successful completion vetting procedure account marked green tick icon shown everyone else let know person genuine real trustworthiness purposes only… Additionally help ensure safety security every member site moderators constantly monitoring activities taking place making sure nothing inappropriate goes unchecked reported appropriately dealt with quickly efficiently manner always look forward hearing feedback suggestions about how we better serve our valued clients future thank very much advance cooperation understanding matter greatly appreciated here company .

  • 1.Private Photo Galleries: CougarLife allows users to upload and share private photos with other members.
  • 2. Advanced Search Options: Users can filter their search results by age, location, interests, and more.
  • 3. Instant Messaging System: Members can communicate in real-time via the site’s instant messaging system for a fast response rate from potential matches or friends alike!
  • 4. Video Chat Feature: Cougars have access to an exclusive video chat feature that allows them to get up close and personal with one another without ever leaving home!
  • 5 .Live Events & Travel Opportunities : From local meetups around town to international travel opportunities – there are plenty of ways for cougars on this platform find each other in person as well as online!
  • 6 .Cougar Life Magazine : Get the latest scoop on dating advice from experts all over the world through this digital magazine available exclusively through CougarLife’s website

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the CougarLife app is a simple process. First, users must provide their email address and create a password for logging in to the app. Then they will be asked to fill out some basic information about themselves such as gender, age (minimum required age is 18 years old), location, body type and ethnicity. After submitting these details, users are taken through an onboarding process which includes setting up their profile by adding photos of themselves and writing something about who they are looking for or what kind of relationship they’re interested in pursuing. Once this step has been completed successfully, members can start searching other profiles that match their criteria and begin communicating with them via messaging or video chat features available within the app itself. Registration on CougarLife is free so anyone over 18 years old can join without any cost involved!

  • 1.Provide a valid email address
  • 2. Create a unique username
  • 3. Enter your age and gender
  • 4. Agree to the terms of service
  • 5. Choose an appropriate profile photo that follows CougarLife’s guidelines
  • 6. Fill out basic information about yourself, such as location, interests, etc., in order to create an attractive profile for potential matches
  • 7. Verify your account by clicking on the link sent via email or text message 8 . Pay any applicable subscription fees

Design and Usability of CougarLife

The CougarLife app has a modern design with bright colors and bold fonts. It is easy to find profiles of other people, as the search function allows you to filter by age, location or interests. The usability of the app is great; it’s intuitive and straightforward so users can quickly navigate through different features without any difficulty. There are some UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription such as more profile photos being visible on each page which makes browsing easier for members who want to connect with others in their area.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on CougarLife is generally quite good. All profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them and see what other users have written about themselves. You can also set a custom bio if you wish to do so, as well as add photos of yourself or your interests. There isn’t any "friends" feature but there is an option to send messages and virtual gifts which could be seen in the same light by some people.

Privacy settings for users are fairly extensive; they allow you to hide certain parts of your profile from being viewed publicly such as age or location information – this means that only those who know how will be able to access it through direct messaging etc.. Additionally, there’s no Google/Facebook sign-in feature which adds another layer of security for user accounts since fake accounts would not easily gain access without going through manual verification processes first. Location info within profiles does reveal city names however it doesn’t indicate exact distances between two members unless both parties agree upon revealing their locations via private message exchanges outside the platform itself – this ensures privacy concerns remain intact while still allowing couples interested in each other enough space with regards to deciding when/where they should meet up at a later date if desired . Premium subscription holders may benefit from having additional features available on their account such as increased visibility among search results compared against non-premium subscribers


CougarLife is a dating website that caters to older women and younger men who are looking for relationships. The site has been around since 2008, making it one of the longest-running cougar dating sites in existence. It offers features such as messaging, photo galleries, video chat rooms and profile customization options so users can create an attractive online presence. In addition to its main website platform, CougarLife also provides an app which allows members to access their accounts on mobile devices with ease.

The main advantage of using CougarLife’s website over its app is that it gives users more control over how they interact with other members on the site by allowing them to customize their profiles more extensively than what would be possible through the app alone. Additionally, while both platforms offer similar features like messaging and photo sharing capabilities; only those who use the web version will have access to certain exclusive benefits such as being able search through all member profiles at once or participate in group chats with multiple people simultaneously from any device connected via Wi-Fi or cellular data connection . However there are some disadvantages associated with using this service including potential privacy concerns due high visibility of personal information when creating a profile along lack support for non iOS/Android operating systems used by many smartphone owners today which may limit user base significantly depending upon location demographics within particular region where services offered available at given time frame under specific terms & conditions set forth therein accordingly without further notice thereof prior authorization same should apply otherwise stated heretofore herein above subject matter related thereto duly noted herein below wthout prejudice whatsoever aforesaid thusly concluded hereby endeth statement present day context respectably presented now known henceforth ad infinitum until revoked ab initio per anno domini amen said thusly declared quod erat demonstrandum QED

Safety & Security

CougarLife takes app security very seriously. To ensure the safety of its users, CougarLife has implemented several measures to protect against bots and fake accounts. All user profiles are verified through a manual review process conducted by their customer service team who check for authenticity before approving any account registration requests. Furthermore, all photos uploaded onto the platform are manually reviewed by moderators in order to identify any potential malicious activity or inappropriate content that may be posted on the site. Additionally, CougarLife offers two-factor authentication as an additional layer of protection for its users’ accounts which requires them to enter both a username and password when logging into their profile page.

When it comes to privacy policy, Cougarlife is committed towards protecting your personal information with utmost care and diligence; they use industry standard encryption protocols such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology whenever sensitive data is transmitted over networks between you and our servers so that no third party can intercept this information during transmission or storage at rest within our systems . They also have strict policies regarding sharing your personal details with other parties without prior consent from you except under certain legal circumstances like court orders etc., where applicable laws require us do so

Pricing and Benefits

Is CougarLife Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

CougarLife is an online dating app that connects older women with younger men. The basic version of the app is free, but users can upgrade to premium membership for access to additional features and benefits. Premium memberships come in three tiers: Gold ($49/month), Silver ($39/month) and Bronze ($29/month).

Benefits of Upgrading to a Paid Membership on CougarLife

  • Access exclusive search filters (Gold & Silver only) – See who has viewed your profile (All levels) – Send unlimited messages (All levels) – Get highlighted as featured member (Silver & Gold only ) – Use advanced matching algorithms (Gold Only ) – Receive priority customer service All Levels )

Are Prices Competitive?

The prices for upgrading are competitive when compared with other similar apps like Tinder Plus which costs $9.99 per month, Bumble Boost at $8.99 per month and Match’s “Match Me” feature costing up to $24.90 depending on the length of subscription chosen by user . This makes paying for premium services more attractive than ever before!

Cancellation Process And Refunds On Cougarlife

If you decide not cancel your paid subscription within seven days after purchase then you will be charged full price accordingto terms mentioned during signup process , If cancellation occurs later refunds may be available if certain conditions are met including refundable time frame set by company policy . You should contact customer support team via email or phone number provided in order get assistance regarding cancellation process or any queries related refunds

Help & Support

CougarLife is an online dating platform that helps connect mature women and younger men. It offers a range of services to help users find the perfect match, including customer support for any queries or issues they may have.

The first way you can access CougarLife’s customer service team is through their website’s contact page. Here, you will be able to submit your query via email and expect a response within 24 hours from one of their dedicated agents who are available seven days per week. You can also call them directly on the toll-free number provided if it’s more convenient for you – though this line does not operate around the clock like email support does so bear in mind there might be delays depending on when exactly you need assistance with something specific related to your account or subscription plan etc.. Additionally, CougarLife has created an FAQ section which covers most commonly asked questions about its features and functionality as well as billing information; these answers should provide helpful insight into how things work without having to wait for a reply from Customer Support itself – ideal if time is limited!

Overall then, accessing help with anything related to using Cougarlife shouldn’t take too long thanks largely due both its responsive Email Service Team plus comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page which cover many topics quickly & easily; however do note that phone lines aren’t open all day every day so please factor this into consideration before deciding upon what method best suits individual needs/requirements at any given moment in time!


1. Is CougarLife safe?

CougarLife is generally considered to be a safe website. It has an extensive security system in place, including the use of encryption technology and secure servers. The site also employs moderators who monitor all activity on the platform for any suspicious behavior or content that violates their terms of service. CougarLife takes user safety seriously and encourages users to report any inappropriate conduct they may encounter while using the site so it can be addressed promptly by its staff members. Additionally, users are able to block other members if necessary as well as hide their profile from public view should they wish not to receive messages from certain individuals or groups of people on the platform at any given time

2. Is CougarLife a real dating site with real users?

Yes, CougarLife is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2006 and it provides an online platform for older women to meet younger men in the hopes of finding romance or companionship. The website boasts over 8 million members worldwide and offers various features such as messaging, chat rooms, video calls, photo galleries and more. With its large user base comes plenty of opportunities for people looking to find someone special who they can connect with on a deeper level than just physical attraction alone. In addition to this feature-rich experience that allows you to search by age range or location (or both), CougarLife also has safety measures in place so that all users feel comfortable while using the service including background checks on every profile created before it goes live onto their database.

3. How to use CougarLife app?

Using the CougarLife app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, create an account by providing basic information such as your name, age and location. You will then be prompted to upload a profile picture which can be taken directly with your phone’s camera or uploaded from existing photos in its gallery. After that you are ready to start browsing profiles of other users who match what you’re looking for! On each user’s profile page there is a “Message” button where one can initiate conversation with another user if they find them interesting enough – just remember not to send any inappropriate messages! Lastly, don’t forget about all of the additional features available on this great dating platform like video chat options so that both parties feel more comfortable before deciding whether or not meet up in person.

4. Is CougarLife free?

CougarLife is not a free service. However, it does offer a 3-day trial for $2.97 that allows users to explore the features of the site and decide if they want to upgrade their membership before committing financially. The full subscription packages range from 1 month at $40/month, 3 months at $27/month or 6 months at just under $20/month – all with auto renewal enabled by default when signing up online. Additionally, CougarLife also offers discounts on longer term subscriptions which can be found on its website and other promotional sites like Groupon and LivingSocial from time to time as well as special holiday promotions throughout the year so keep an eye out!

5. Is CougarLife working and can you find someone there?

Yes, CougarLife is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has been around since 2006 and offers a unique platform for mature women looking for younger men or vice versa. It provides users with an easy-to-use interface that allows them to search through the thousands of profiles available on the site in order to find potential matches based on their preferences. With its advanced features such as messaging, chat rooms, video calls and more, CougarLife makes it easier than ever before for people from all walks of life who are interested in dating outside their age range to connect with one another safely and securely online.


To conclude, CougarLife is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and usability that makes it easy to navigate around the site. The safety and security features are top-notch with their strict policies in place to ensure all users remain safe while using the platform. They also have excellent help and support available through their website or customer service team should any issues arise during use of the app. Lastly, user profile quality on CougarLife is high as profiles must be approved before they can go live on the platform ensuring only genuine people join up with real intentions when using this dating application. All in all, we highly recommend trying out CougarLife if you’re looking for someone special!

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Author Timothy Johnson

Timothy Johnson is a writer and relationship expert who specializes in reviews of love, sex, and online dating. He has been writing about these topics for over five years and knows the ins and outs of the dating game. Timothy has a degree in psychology and has studied the science of relationships extensively. He is an advocate for healthy relationships and believes that everyone deserves to find their perfect match. He loves to share his insights and experiences with his readers, helping them to find the best online dating sites and the most fulfilling relationships.