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  • Diverse membership base
  • Wide range of features and options
  • Free to join and browse profiles
  • Detailed profile information available for members
  • In-depth search filters
  • Unscreened profiles
  • Lack of safety features
  • Limited search options
  • Expensive subscription fees
  • Unresponsive customer service


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    Hardly ever
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BBPeopleMeet: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot


BBPeopleMeet is an online dating platform that caters to the plus-size community. It was launched in 2002 and has grown significantly since then, with millions of active users around the world. The app offers a safe and secure environment for its members to meet people who share similar interests, values, backgrounds, beliefs or lifestyles.

Who can you find on this app? BBPeopleMeet is open to anyone over 18 years old looking for friendship or love regardless of their size – from those who are petite all the way up through larger sizes (up to size 24). This makes it one of few apps that cater specifically towards plus-sized individuals seeking relationships without any judgement based on physical appearance.

How many active users are on BBPeopleMeet and how it was launched? Currently there are more than 1 million monthly visitors at bbpeoplemeet making it one of most popular sites among other mainstream dating platforms such as Match & eHarmony .It was first founded by People Media Inc., which later became part of IAC/InterActiveCorp in 2009 after being acquired by them; they also own several other leading brands like Tinder & OKCupid .Currently available in 5 countries including USA , Canada , UK , Australia & Ireland where majority user base comes from US itself with estimated 70%+ ratio out total traffic count per month

Who owns it and what five countries is it most popular? As mentioned earlier Bbpeoplemeet owned by IAC/Interactivecorp under parent company name match group inc which also have portfolio companies like tinder okcupid etc .Mostly used worldwide but mainly concentrated within 5 major markets i:e USA CANADA UK AUSTRALIA AND IRELAND having highest number signups every month compared rest world combined together

Is the app free to use ? Yes ! Basic features offered free however if someone wants extra premium services then subscription plans starts $14-$20 USD depending upon plan duration chosen ranging 3 months 6months 12 months respectively

Does BBPeopleMeet have an App ? Yes! You can access via Android iOS devices easily either downloading directly google play store apple store just searching “bbpeoplemeets” keyword both stores alternatively accessing website www dot bbpeoplemeets dot com same time registration process pretty straightforward filling basic information age gender location preferences etc done signing account ready start browsing profiles meeting potential partners

How Does BBPeopleMeet Work?

BBPeopleMeet is an app designed to help people of all sizes find love and friendship. It’s a safe space for plus-size singles, allowing them to connect with others who share similar interests and experiences. The app allows users to create profiles that include photos, age range preferences, location information, hobbies/interests as well as personal descriptions about themselves. With its advanced search feature users can narrow down their results by body type or lifestyle choices such as dieting habits or smoking status – making it easier than ever before for big beautiful people (BBP) to find someone special in the dating pool.

The BBPeopleMeet community consists of over 8 million members from five countries: United States Canada Australia New Zealand and Ireland; this makes it one of the largest communities dedicated exclusively towards helping curvy individuals meet each other online safely without fear of judgement or ridicule due to size difference between partners which often occurs on mainstream dating sites like Tinder & Bumble etc.. Users have access not only local matches but also international ones if they choose so!

Finding potential dates on BBPeople Meet is easy thanks its intuitive design – you can browse through user profiles using various filters such us gender preference , age range , distance radius around your current location . You can even save searches so you don’t have start searching again every time you log back into the app ! If any particular profile catches your eye then just hit ‘like’ button show interest . Once both parties mutually express interest then conversation begins via private messaging system within the application itself where two sides get know each other better until finally deciding whether take things offline meeting up face-to-face date night out !

Apart from being able matchmaking service there are few additional features that make BB People Meet stand out among competition : firstly forum section where existing members come together discuss topics related self acceptance empowerment while providing support advice newbies ; secondly blog page filled inspiring stories real life success couples found happiness after connecting through platform lastly virtual events organized give chance interactively socialize participate activities group setting away comfort own home .. All these extra touches ensure everyone feels welcomed part bigger family no matter what shape size they may be thus encouraging sense belongingness positivity throughout entire experience !

In conclusion anyone looking true companionship long term relationship should definitely consider giving try because chances finding perfect partner significantly higher compared general population moreover safety security always taken seriously here order protect data privacy our beloved customers utmost priority … So go ahead download today join millions happy successful relationships started journey right place – at Big Beautiful People Dating App !!

  • 1.Advanced Search Options: Allows users to search for potential matches based on a variety of criteria, including physical attributes, lifestyle choices and interests.
  • 2. Matching System: Uses an algorithm to suggest compatible profiles based on user preferences.
  • 3. Private Messaging Feature: Enables members to communicate with each other in a secure environment without revealing personal information or contact details until they are ready to do so.
  • 4. Photo Albums & Videos Upload Option: Members can upload photos and videos that showcase their personality and interests for others to view before making the decision whether or not they would like connect further with them as potential partners/friends etc..
  • 5 .BBPeopleMeet Magazine Articles & Blog Posts : Offers helpful advice from relationship experts regarding topics such as dating tips, how-to’s about online safety etc., which helps members make informed decisions when it comes time for connecting with someone new!
  • 6 .Member Verification Process : Ensures all BBPeopleMeet accounts are real people who have provided valid identification documents during registration process

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the BBPeopleMeet app is a straightforward process. To begin, users must first provide their gender and sexual orientation, as well as enter an email address or phone number to create an account. Next they will be asked to input basic information such as age, zip code, username and password for security purposes. After submitting these details users can start browsing profiles of potential matches in their area by entering criteria such as location range and interests that are important to them when searching for someone special. The minimum required age to join the dating site is 18 years old; however it’s free for all singles who meet this requirement regardless of race or ethnicity so everyone has access! Once registered members can connect with other singles through messaging features like chat rooms and private messages which allow people from different backgrounds come together in one place where love awaits them!

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and create a unique password for the account.
  • 3. Enter basic information such as gender, height, body type etc..
  • 4. Upload at least one photo to your profile page (optional).
  • 5. Agree to BBPeopleMeet’s Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before submitting registration form .
  • 6. Confirm your email address by clicking on an activation link sent in the confirmation message from BBPeopleMeet after successful registration process is completed .
  • 7 Select payment plan option if you wish to upgrade membership level (optional) . 8 Complete additional optional sections of profile page such as hobbies/interests , lifestyle preferences etc., so that other members can find out more about you(optional).

Design and Usability of BBPeopleMeet

The BBPeopleMeet app has a modern design with bright colors and an intuitive layout. The main page is easy to navigate, making it simple to find profiles of other people quickly. Usability-wise, the app functions smoothly; users can easily search for matches by age or location and view their profile information without any difficulty. With a paid subscription, there are additional UI improvements such as access to more detailed search filters that make finding potential partners even easier.

User Profile Quality

The profiles on BBPeopleMeet are public and can be viewed by anyone. You can customize your profile with a bio, photos, interests, and more. There is also a “friends” feature that allows you to connect with other users who share similar interests or backgrounds as yourself. Privacy settings allow users to control what information they want to display in their profile such as age range or location info. Signing up for an account requires either Google or Facebook authentication which helps prevent fake accounts from being created on the platform. Location info reveals the city of each user but does not indicate any distance between them unless both parties have agreed upon it beforehand through private messaging services outside of BBPeopleMeet’s domain .

Premium subscription offers additional benefits such as increased visibility in search results which may help attract potential matches quicker than those without premium subscriptions would experience otherwise; however there are no guarantees made regarding this matter so proceed at your own risk if considering upgrading your membership status.. Users do have the option to hide their location information should they wish too though it will still remain visible within certain areas like chat rooms where members congregate together online regardless of geographical boundaries imposed by physical borders existing beyond cyberspace walls erected virtually around us all when we go online nowadays these days now-a-days today modern times current epoch our era day & age here & now present time moment space period juncture occasion stretch duration season cycle spell span lifetime stage passage lap turn revolution rotation term round wheel tour circle voyage trip journey expedition cruise venture odyssey adventure peregrination wanderlust roam ramble vagabondage rove saunter jaunt rambler meander drift peripatetic flit gallivant amble stroll ambulate locomote move traverse travel trek migrate progress voyager pass thru’


BBPeopleMeet is an online dating website that caters to plus-sized singles. The site offers a safe and comfortable environment for people of all sizes to meet potential partners, with features such as profile creation, messaging, chat rooms and search filters. BBPeopleMeet has many advantages including its large user base which allows users to find matches quickly; the ability to filter searches by location or interests; easy navigation through profiles; detailed information about each member’s physical characteristics; and customer service support if needed. However there are some disadvantages associated with using this website such as limited communication options available on free accounts (e.g., only one message per day); lack of compatibility tests/questions like other sites have in order for members better match up based on their personality traits or beliefs systems etc.; no mobile app at the time so you must use your computer when accessing it from any device other than a laptop/desktop computer system

The difference between BBPeopleMeet’s site and its app is that while both provide access to the same database of singles looking for love, they offer different experiences depending upon how you prefer interacting with others online: via desktop web browser vs smartphone application respectively. On top of this distinction – since apps tend be more streamlined due their smaller size compared websites – navigating around within them tends faster easier than doing so on full-fledged websites like those offered by most dating services today

Safety & Security

BBPeopleMeet is committed to providing a secure online dating experience for its users. To ensure that the site remains safe and free from bots and fake accounts, they have implemented several security measures. Firstly, all new user profiles are manually reviewed by their staff before being approved or rejected in order to weed out any suspicious activity. Additionally, BBPeopleMeet has an AI-powered verification system which requires users to upload images of themselves as part of the signup process; these photos are then checked against various databases for authenticity purposes. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available on the platform so that only verified members can access it with extra layers of protection added onto their account logins via email or SMS codes sent directly from BBPeopleMeet’s servers upon login attempts. Lastly, when it comes to privacy policy compliance at BBpeoplemeet – personal data collected during registration such as name & address will never be shared with third parties without prior consent while financial information like credit card numbers remain encrypted within secured networks inaccessible by unauthorized personnel at all times according to GDPR regulations set forth across Europe & beyond!

Pricing and Benefits

BBPeopleMeet is an online dating app that caters to plus-sized singles. The basic version of the app is free, but there are additional features available with a paid subscription.

The benefits of getting a BBPeopleMeet paid subscription include:

  • Access to advanced search filters
  • Viewing full profiles and all photos – Sending unlimited messages and flirts – Seeing who has viewed your profile

The prices for the subscriptions range from $14.99/month up to $39.99/month depending on how long you commit for (1 month, 3 months or 6 months). These prices are competitive compared to other similar apps in this market space as they offer great value for money when it comes down choosing between 1 month or 6 months plans which can save users up 40%.          Cancellation process & refunds                           Cancelling your BBPeopleMeet account could not be easier; simply log into your account settings page and select ‘cancel my membership’ option at any time during your active period without incurring any charges whatsoever – no questions asked! Refunds may also be requested if users feel like their experience was unsatisfactory within 30 days after purchase date by contacting customer service directly via email address provided on website homepage under ‘contact us’ section..                               Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription?                           Whether users need a paid subscription really depends upon what kind of experience they want out of using the platform; if you’re looking just browse through profiles then obviously free version will suffice however those seeking more serious relationships should definitely consider upgrading as many potential matches won’t respond back unless user have upgraded due access limitations imposed onto non paying memberships .

Help & Support

BBPeopleMeet provides a variety of ways to access support. The first way is through the Help page on their website, which can be found at the bottom of any page. This page contains answers to frequently asked questions and contact information for customer service representatives who are available via email or phone call during regular business hours (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm EST). The response time from customer service representatives is usually within 24 hours depending on how busy they are with other customers.

Another option for accessing support would be by joining one of BBPeopleMeet’s online forums where members can ask questions and get advice from experienced users in real time. These forums provide an opportunity to connect with others who may have similar experiences or issues that you may need help resolving quickly without having to wait for a response from customer service reps. Additionally, there are moderators available in these forums as well if needed so that everyone remains respectful while exchanging ideas and opinions about various topics related to BBPeopleMeet services and features .

Finally, another great resource offered by BBPeopleMeets is its blog section which offers helpful tips & tricks when it comes navigating around the site as well as providing updates regarding new features being added periodically throughout the year! Here readers will also find interesting articles written by experts giving insight into different aspects such relationships & dating along with personal stories shared directly from some current members too!


1. Is BBPeopleMeet safe?

BBPeopleMeet is a safe and secure online dating platform for plus-sized singles. The website takes security seriously, employing several measures to ensure that its members are kept safe from scammers, spammers, and other malicious activities. All profiles must be verified before they can be viewed by others on the site; this helps protect users against fake accounts or bots created with the intention of scamming unsuspecting people out of their money or personal information. Furthermore, BBPeopleMeet has an extensive customer service team available 24/7 who respond quickly to any reports made about suspicious activity or behavior within the community. Finally, all communication between members is encrypted using SSL technology which ensures that no one else can access your private conversations without permission from both parties involved in it. With these safety features in place along with many more such as detailed profile settings and advanced search filters you can rest assured knowing that BBPeopleMeet provides a secure environment where everyone feels comfortable finding love online!

2. Is BBPeopleMeet a real dating site with real users?

Yes, BBPeopleMeet is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2002 and is owned by People Media, which also owns other popular online dating sites such as and OurTime. The website offers its members the ability to connect with others who share similar interests or backgrounds through various features including instant messaging, emailing and private chat rooms. Members can search for potential matches based on location, age range or even physical attributes like height or body type; they can also browse profiles of other singles in their area to see if there are any compatible matches that interest them before initiating contact themselves. In addition to providing an easy-to-use platform for connecting people from all walks of life together in one place, BBPeopleMeet takes extra steps towards ensuring safety among its user base by verifying each profile created so only genuine users remain active on the site at any given time – making it a great choice for those looking for love without having to worry about running into scammers or fake accounts along the way!

3. How to use BBPeopleMeet app?

Using the BBPeopleMeet app is a great way to meet new people and find potential matches. The first step in using this app is creating an account, which requires basic information such as your name, age, gender and location. Once you have created your profile you can start searching for other members who match what you are looking for in terms of physical appearance or interests. You can also use filters to narrow down your search results even further if needed.

Once you’ve found someone that looks interesting to connect with, it’s time to send them a message! You can write something short but friendly introducing yourself and asking how they are doing – be sure not to make any inappropriate comments or requests though! If all goes well then hopefully the conversation will flow naturally from there; however if things don’t seem right at any point then just move on politely without getting into an argument or confrontation with anyone else online.

The BBPeopleMeet app also offers various features like “flirts” where users can express interest in another user by sending them virtual gifts (like hearts) as well as video chat options so that users may get better acquainted before deciding whether they would like pursue a relationship offline too! All these features help make finding compatible partners easier than ever before – so why wait? Get started today exploring all that BBPeopleMeet has offer its community of singles seeking love & friendship online now!

4. Is BBPeopleMeet free?

BBPeopleMeet is a free online dating service for big and beautiful singles. It offers an easy-to-use platform to connect with other plus size people looking for friendship, romance, or long term relationships. The website has been around since 2002 and provides users with access to various features such as profile creation, photo uploads, instant messaging services, forums and more. BBPeopleMeet also allows members to search through thousands of profiles in order to find their perfect match based on interests or location. With its simple layout and intuitive design it makes finding someone special quick and convenient!

5. Is BBPeopleMeet working and can you find someone there?

Yes, BBPeopleMeet is working and you can find someone there. The website offers a variety of features to help users connect with potential matches. It has an extensive search feature that allows users to filter by age, location, interests and more. Additionally, the site also provides helpful advice on how to make the most out of online dating experiences as well as tips for staying safe while meeting people in person after connecting through the site’s messaging system or chat rooms. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of options available for finding compatible partners, BBPeopleMeet makes it easy for anyone looking for love or companionship to find exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily without having to leave their home environment


In conclusion, BBPeopleMeet is a great dating app for those who are looking to find partners. It has an easy-to-use design and good usability that makes it simple to use. The safety and security features of the app are also quite strong, which gives users peace of mind when using the service. Furthermore, help and support from customer care representatives is available 24/7 in case any issues arise during usage or registration process. Lastly, user profiles on this platform have high quality as they provide enough information about potential matches for users to make informed decisions before initiating contact with them. All these factors combined make BBPeopleMeet one of the best apps out there for finding romantic relationships online!

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Author Timothy Johnson

Timothy Johnson is a writer and relationship expert who specializes in reviews of love, sex, and online dating. He has been writing about these topics for over five years and knows the ins and outs of the dating game. Timothy has a degree in psychology and has studied the science of relationships extensively. He is an advocate for healthy relationships and believes that everyone deserves to find their perfect match. He loves to share his insights and experiences with his readers, helping them to find the best online dating sites and the most fulfilling relationships.