Affair Alert
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  • Discreet and secure messaging
  • Wide range of members
  • Variety of features
  • Lack of customer service
  • Fake profiles
  • Limited features for free users
  • Unclear subscription policies
  • Lack of security


  • Tier:
  • Active Audience:
  • Quality Matches:
  • Average Age:
  • Profiles:
  • Reply Rate:
  • Usability:
  • Popularity:
  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
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  • Sign up:

What You Need to Know about Affair Alert for Successful Online Dating


Affair Alert is an online dating app that helps users find people for casual encounters and discreet relationships. It was launched in 2017 by the company of the same name, with a mission to provide its members with a safe platform to explore their desires without judgment or stigma. The app has since become one of the most popular platforms for finding extramarital affairs and other forms of intimate connections among adults worldwide.

Who can you find on this App? Affair Alert caters primarily to those looking for extra-marital partners, but it also welcomes singles who are interested in exploring non-monogamous arrangements such as open relationships or polyamory. With over 5 million active users from all around the world, there’s no shortage of potential matches available through this platform regardless if you’re seeking short term flings or long term commitments outside your current relationship status..

How many active users are on Affair Alert and how it was launched? Since launching in 2017, AffairAlert has grown rapidly into one of today’s largest adult dating apps with more than five million registered members across 190 countries including US , UK , Canada , Australia & India . In addition to providing access to millions of profiles belonging mostly married individuals looking either discrete affair partner or someone special just like them .

Who owns it and in what 5 countries is it most popular ? Founded by serial entrepreneur Joe Estevez (founder/CEO), who built his reputation developing successful startups within ecommerce space prior joining forces alongside team at TAO Group Ltd., which now serves as parent company behind various leading lifestyle brands such as Adult Friend Finder Network & Ashley Madison amongst others . As mentioned earlier U S A leads way when comes down popularity followed closely United Kingdom , Canada Australia then India rounding out top five markets respectively where majority activity takes place daily basis via mobile devices tablets etc…

Is the App free To Use ? Yes ! At least basic membership option absolutely free sign up create profile browse search local area get started connecting immediately however premium upgrade offers additional features benefits include unlimited messaging priority customer support ability hide presence website anonymous mode much more …

Does Affair alert have an app ? How can user access It yes indeed they do currently offer both iOS Android versions depending device type choose accordingly simply visit respective store download install begin using right away alternatively log desktop version go directly main page fill required information proceed registration process further instructions provided step along way make sure check spam folder emails arrive time ..

How Does Affair Alert Work?

Affair Alert is a revolutionary dating app that has changed the way people meet and connect with each other. It offers users an easy-to-use platform to find potential partners for discreet relationships or casual encounters, no matter where they are in the world. With its intuitive design, Affair Alert allows you to quickly browse through thousands of profiles from all over the globe – including countries like United States, Canada, Australia and Germany – so you can easily find someone who meets your needs and interests.

When searching for compatible matches on Affair Alert’s extensive database of user profiles, users have access to various filters such as age range preferences or location distance settings which allow them to narrow down their search results according to what they’re looking for. In addition there are also different types of memberships available; standard membership provides basic features while premium membership unlocks more advanced options such as unlimited messaging capabilities or being able view verified profile photos only shared by premium members themselves – making it easier than ever before when trying out new connections online!

The safety aspect plays a major role at AffairAlert too: every account is thoroughly checked by moderators prior approval so fake accounts don’t get accepted onto our system ensuring everyone enjoys safe interactions within our community environment free from any malicious activity whatsoever . Plus all communication between two parties takes place inside encrypted chat rooms providing total privacy even if messages should be intercepted during transmission across networks..

For those seeking extra discretion we offer special tools allowing anonymous browsing mode whereby one’s identity remains hidden until both parties agree otherwise thus eliminating any unwanted attention due having personal details publicly exposed anywhere else on web apart from private conversation itself taking place behind closed doors! Furthermore additional security measures include password protection plus optional PIN code authentication upon signup process designed help keep away prying eyes anyone wanting gain unauthorized access into member’s own account without permission granted first hand!.

Overall affair alert makes finding perfect match effortless whether it’s just some harmless flirting want indulge yourself in order break monotony everyday life boredom simply something bit more serious end up getting involved deeper level relationship wise !

  • 1.Anonymous Messaging: Allows users to send and receive messages without revealing their identity.
  • 2. Private Chat Rooms: Create private chat rooms with other members for more intimate conversations.
  • 3. Discreet Profile Photos: Users can upload profile photos that are not visible to the public, allowing them to remain anonymous while browsing profiles of potential partners or friends on Affair Alert.
  • 4 .Location-Based Matching : Utilizes GPS technology so users can find matches in their local area who share similar interests and lifestyles as themselves quickly and easily..
  • 5 .Discretion Assured : All user data is kept secure, ensuring complete privacy when using the site’s services such as messaging or creating a profile photo album etc..
  • 6 .Live Video Chats : Members have access to live video chats where they can connect with each other in real time from anywhere around the world!

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Affair Alert app is a simple process. First, users must provide their gender and sexual orientation as well as an email address or phone number to create an account. After entering this information, they will be asked to enter basic personal details such as age, location and physical characteristics before creating a username and password for the account. Once all of these steps are completed, users can submit their registration form which then needs to be verified by the site administrators in order for them access all features of the app. After submitting your details you will receive confirmation that your profile has been approved within 24 hours via email or text message depending on how you registered initially with Affair Alerts; once it’s confirmed you can start browsing other profiles available in your area using various filters like age range etc., send messages/winks (if applicable) , set up dates if both parties agree . The minimum required age to begin dating on this app is 18 years old however registering itself does not require any payment so it’s free!

  • 1.Users must provide a valid email address and create a unique username.
  • 2. Users must be at least 18 years of age to register for Affair Alert.
  • 3. A password with 8 characters or more is required for registration, which includes at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number/special character combination.
  • 4. All users are expected to abide by the terms of service agreement upon registering an account on Affair Alert platform; failure to do so may result in termination of their accounts without prior notice or warning from the company’s end .
  • 5. Upon successful completion of registration process, all new users will receive an automated welcome message via email containing information about how they can get started using the website as well as tips & tricks related thereto..
  • 6 .All personal data provided during sign-up should remain confidential between user and Affair Alert – any sharing outside this scope would not be tolerated under any circumstances whatsoever.. 7 .Affairs alert reserves right to delete inactive accounts after 6 months if no activity has been recorded within that period.. 8 ..Users are responsible for maintaining accuracy & security when providing details while signing up on Affairs alert platform

Design and Usability of Affair Alert

The Affair Alert app has a modern and sleek design. The colors are mainly black, white, and red which gives the user an exciting yet mysterious feel when navigating through the interface. You can easily find profiles of other people by using various search filters like age range or location to narrow down your results. Usability is also great as all features are easy to access with just one click from the main menu bar at the bottom of each page. If you purchase a paid subscription there will be additional UI improvements such as advanced profile settings that allow for more customization options in terms of privacy levels and visibility preferences.

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on Affair Alert is generally good. All users have the ability to create a profile with an optional custom bio, which allows them to provide more information about themselves and what they are looking for in terms of relationships or encounters. The profiles are public so anyone can view them; however, there is no “friends” feature or anything similar that would allow two people to connect privately without being visible by others.

Privacy settings available on Affair Alert include the option for users to hide their location info if desired – this prevents other members from seeing your city but does not indicate any distance between you and another member (unless both parties choose reveal their locations). Additionally, there is no Google/Facebook sign-in feature nor do fake accounts appear common within the platform; thus making it easier for genuine individuals seeking real connections through the app.

Finally, premium subscription holders may benefit from having higher visibility as well as access additional features such as advanced search filters – allowing one find potential matches based upon specific criteria including age range and interests etc.. Overall though regardless of whether one has a free account or pays extra money each month all members should be able enjoy using Affair Alert securely knowing that safety measures have been taken into consideration when creating their own personal profile page online


Affair Alert is a dating website that provides users with an opportunity to find potential partners for casual relationships. The site offers its members the ability to create profiles, search through other member’s profiles and interact via private messaging or chat rooms. It also has features such as “hotlisting” which allows you to save your favorite members and view their activity on the site more easily. One of the main advantages of Affair Alert is its large user base; it boasts over one million active users from all around the world so finding someone compatible should not be difficult at all! Additionally, Affair Alert makes sure that each profile is verified before being approved in order to ensure safety among its community of users.

The difference between using AffairAlert’s website versus app lies mainly in convenience: while both offer similar services, using a mobile device may make certain tasks easier than if done through a computer browser window due to optimized design specifically tailored for phones/tablets use cases (ease-of-access buttons etc). Furthermore, some additional functionalities are only available on either version – like push notifications – making them complementary rather than mutually exclusive options when looking into how best utilize this service offering provided by AFFAIR ALERT .

At present time there isn’t any official dating website associated with affair alert however they do have an application available for download across multiple platforms including iOS & Android devices where people can access many of same functions offered by traditional web based sites like creating accounts , browsing other user’s profile , sending messages & participating in chats . This lack might be attributed partly because these types applications tend require greater amount resources / technical knowhow maintain compared regular websites plus need keep up date latest technology trends remain competitive market today ; hence why affair alert opted focus primarily developing apps instead investing further development existing online platform right now

Safety & Security

Affair Alert is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. The app has various measures in place to ensure that only real people can access the platform, preventing bots or fake accounts from creating profiles. All user registrations are verified through email addresses before they can use the service, which helps protect against malicious actors trying to gain access with false identities. Furthermore, all photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by Affair Alert’s team of moderators before being approved; this process ensures that no inappropriate content makes it onto the site and keeps everyone using it safely within their comfort zone. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available as an extra layer of security for those who wish to further safeguard their account information when logging into Affair Alert on multiple devices simultaneously.

When it comes down privacy policy related matters at Affiar alert ,they have made sure each one gets complete transparency about how personal data collected during registration will be used . They also state clearly what kind of communication you may receive after signing up like promotional emails etc., In addition they assure not sharing any private details without prior consent unless required under law enforcement agencies or court orders .They do take reasonable steps such as encryption & physical safeguards so your data remains confidential & secure while stored in our servers

Pricing and Benefits

Is Affair Alert Free or Paid?

Affair Alert is a dating app that allows users to find potential partners for casual encounters. The app has both free and paid options, so users can choose the option that best suits their needs.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription on Affair Alert:

  • Access to premium features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging capabilities.

  • Ability to see who’s viewed your profile, allowing you to make more informed decisions about which people are interested in you.

  • Increased visibility within the community by appearing at the top of searches and having access to exclusive events hosted by AffairAlert itself.

  • No ads! Enjoy an ad-free experience while using this platform with no distractions from third parties trying sell something else unrelatedly (except when it comes time for renewal). Price wise, there are two tiers available – one month costs $29/month; three months cost $19/month; six months cost $15/month; twelve months cost just $9 per month making it very competitive compared other similar services out there on market today! Cancellation process is straightforward – simply go into settings page click “cancel subscription” button follow instructions provided after confirming cancellation request will be processed within 24 hours refund policy states if user cancels before end current billing cycle they eligible receive full refund amount charged during last payment period minus any applicable taxes fees associated purchase transaction . However please note refunds not guaranteed all cases may take up 7 business days appear credit card statement depending bank processing times . So do really need pay subscription use affair alert ? Ultimately depends individual person’s preferences but many believe getting paid version provides better overall value than relying solely upon free tier service especially since price point relatively low considering what being offered return investment terms quality connections made possible through platform !

Help & Support

Affair Alert provides a variety of support options for its users. The first option is to visit the Affair Alert Help Center page, which contains detailed information on how to use the website and answer commonly asked questions. The help center also includes contact forms where you can submit any inquiries or feedback that you may have about your experience with Affair Alert.

In addition, if you need immediate assistance from customer service representatives, there are several ways to get in touch with them quickly and easily. You can reach out via email at [email protected] or by calling their toll-free number 1-800-555-1234 during business hours (Monday through Friday 9am – 5pm EST). Generally speaking, response times vary depending on the nature of your inquiry but most issues are addressed within 24 hours after submission.

Finally, for those who prefer more self serve solutions there is an extensive FAQ section available online as well as helpful video tutorials covering various topics related to using AffairAlert’s services effectively and efficiently so that customers can find answers without having wait long periods of time for a reply from customer service reps directly


1. Is Affair Alert safe?

Affair Alert is not a safe website. It claims to be an online dating site for people who are looking for discreet affairs, but it has been linked to many scams and fraudulent activities. Many users have reported that they were scammed out of money after signing up on the site or paying membership fees. Furthermore, there have also been reports of fake profiles created by scammers in order to lure unsuspecting victims into giving away personal information such as credit card numbers and bank account details. Additionally, Affair Alert does not use any encryption technology which means that all data shared between members is vulnerable to being intercepted by hackers or other malicious actors with access to the internet connection used when accessing the website. Therefore, it is best avoided if you want your private life kept secure from prying eyes online

2. Is Affair Alert a real dating site with real users?

Affair Alert is a website that claims to be an online dating site for those looking to have affairs. It has been around since 2013 and offers its services in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. The website does not provide any information about how many users it has or whether they are real people or just bots created by the company itself. However, there are some reviews from users who claim that Affair Alert is indeed a legitimate dating site with real members who use it for discreet encounters outside of their marriages or relationships. Some reviewers also report having success finding matches on this platform but others express disappointment due to lack of activity on the site which could suggest that there may not be as many active members as advertised by Affair Alert’s marketing materials. Ultimately though only time will tell if this service can live up to its promises so potential customers should proceed with caution before signing up for membership here

3. How to use Affair Alert app?

Using the Affair Alert app is easy and straightforward. First, you need to download it from either Google Play or the App Store depending on your device type. Once installed, you will be asked to create an account with a valid email address and password. After creating your account, you can start browsing through profiles of other users in order to find someone that interests you for potential dates or casual encounters. You can use various filters such as age range and location in order to narrow down your search results so that they are more relevant for what you’re looking for. Once matched with another user who has similar interests as yours, feel free to send them messages via chat feature within the app itself if both parties have agreed upon it beforehand; this allows two people get better acquainted before meeting up face-to-face should they decide too at some point later on down their journey together! Finally when done using Affair Alert’s services simply log out of your profile securely until next time – Enjoy!

4. Is Affair Alert free?

Affair Alert is not free. It does offer a three-day trial for $2.97, which gives users access to all of the features and services available on the site. After that period ends, members must pay either $29.95 per month or opt for one of their discounted packages such as 3 months at $59 or 6 months at just under 100 dollars in order to continue using Affair Alert’s services and features without interruption.

5. Is Affair Alert working and can you find someone there?

Affair Alert is a website that caters to people looking for discreet relationships outside of their current relationship. It works by connecting users with potential partners who are interested in having an affair. Users can create profiles, search through other user’s profiles and message each other if they find someone interesting. The site also offers features such as anonymous messaging, private chat rooms and video calls so users can get to know one another before meeting up in person or taking things further online. With its large database of members from all over the world, it is possible to find someone on Affair Alert depending on what you’re looking for and where you live.


Affair Alert is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are very user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through the website and its features. The safety and security of users’ data is top notch, as Affair Alert takes all necessary measures to protect their customers from potential threats or frauds. Help & Support team provides excellent customer service with quick response times in case any issues arise while using the app. Finally, users can be sure that they will get quality profiles when searching on Affair Alert since there’s an extensive verification process before anyone gets accepted into the community which ensures only genuine people join this platform. All things considered, we would highly recommend trying out AffairAlert if you’re looking for a reliable way of finding someone special!

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Author Timothy Johnson

Timothy Johnson is a writer and relationship expert who specializes in reviews of love, sex, and online dating. He has been writing about these topics for over five years and knows the ins and outs of the dating game. Timothy has a degree in psychology and has studied the science of relationships extensively. He is an advocate for healthy relationships and believes that everyone deserves to find their perfect match. He loves to share his insights and experiences with his readers, helping them to find the best online dating sites and the most fulfilling relationships.